Phenomenal . . .

Phenomenal . . .
Life, Growth, and Connection (This sunflower was nourished by my hands.) 2010; Photography by Benita Blocker. Please become a follower of this blog.

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Breaking News: Update on Avlon's Texture Release System

With a client in my chair for the Texture Release System service, I discovered the Releasing Lotion was NO LONGER a creamy consistency.  It was a runny liquid!  I had not exposed it to heat nor elements.  I was dumbfound.  I told the client that something was wrong.  Luckily,

  • The client appointment was happening early enough in the afternoon that  it was still Avlon Industries business hours.
  • A live person answered Avlon Industries telephone so I could explain that this was an emergency with a client in my chair regarding their Texture Release System.
  • Avlon Industries was able to get the Director of Education on the phone to speak to me.
  • Avlon Industries was already aware of this "bump" in the road.

So in the future, the Texture Release Lotion will be in a spray bottle because the solution went back to its original form.  I was instructed to pour the liquid from my lotion bottle into a spray bottle as seen in the picture above.  Everything else was the same.

The application of this runny liquid was messy, and I had to apply to client with her head reclined at the shampoo bowl because there is no way to control the application area.

The good news is that the results still worked!

The system is heat activated so I blow dried and used a small curling iron to straighten the hairline as well as run the hot curling iron carefully along the shorter hair to smooth out the texture.  Then I re-wet one side in the picture above to show you the straightness.  This client has relaxed ends, and we were trying to push out her relaxer frequency by performing the Texture Release procedure.  She is a roller set client, and I performed the Texture release around her perimeter hairline in front, nape, and sides only.

Based on feedback from a different Texture Release client, the system made her non-relaxed hair more manageable and tangle-free, but it did not control her swelling of her hair. So I decided only to test the system on the perimeter hairline for this client to see how it works for her.  If it works for her, then we will perform the Texture Release System through her entire head of hair.  So I will have to update everyone again in a few more months.


  1. Any hairstylist with this old formula of the Texture Release system needs to ask their distributor to switch out to the new formula kit. The new formula is in a spray bottle.

  2. Hi SoRhor :-) How did the texture release work in the end for your client? I just had it done a few days ago. My hairdresser flat ironed my hair afterward then instructed me to keep it straight for 3 days, no buns, no curls no ponytail etc. So I had it done on a Saturday then Monday it rained and it was humid out. My hair poofed and my head was a mess. I later flat ironed it to get it back straight. Afterwards I noticed breakage. Have you had breakage issues with any of your clients? What caused it? Btw my hair is 4c I am transitioning and she only applied it to my natural hair she also trimmed off a lot of the relaxed ends.

    1. Hi Soror! I did not see any breakage with the Texture Release, but I don't recommend smoothing treatments on type 4c hair. Too much heat and results are minimal. Any hair resistant to relaxer is going to be resistant to smoothing treatments.

    2. Thanks so much! That was very helpful

    3. You are very welcome. I am happy to be of assistance.
