Phenomenal . . .

Phenomenal . . .
Life, Growth, and Connection (This sunflower was nourished by my hands.) 2010; Photography by Benita Blocker. Please become a follower of this blog.

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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Review: KeraCare Overnight Moisturizing Treatment

First of all, let me tell you that my natural hair DIY "at home" clients are now buying two jars at a time of this KeraCare Overnight Moisturizing Treatment cream.

One of my clients even asked me how did that this product escape her product arsenal.  I told her that it is NOT under the KeraCare "Natural Textures" line.  It was introduced for relaxed hair.  She then responded "no wonder" she missed it.

Well, since I am selling this product at $15 a jar and two at a time, I started to re-examine why this product is working so well with natural hair?  Then I realized that the pH is 3.2.  It is acidic and is helping to seal down the cuticle.

Wow!  Apparently, if you roll  or Bantu knot your natural hair overnight using this Keracare treatment cream, you will wake up to a new head of hair!  (If your curl pattern is a Type 3 or Type 4a, then you get the picture of the process that I am trying to describe.)

Now, for my relaxed hair clients, they like this KeraCare cream better than the Mizani RoseH2O cream.  Why?  It does not have that lingering fragrance associated with the Mizani RoseH2O product.  The consistency of the two creams are about the same, but hands down, if you loved the Mizani RoseH2O cream, then you are going to be thrilled with the KeraCare overnight Moisture Treatment.

A little product goes a long way!


  1. Do your natural clients have any complaints about this product making their hair revert? I think I want to try it, but I am a little nervous about it making my hair revert when I wear it straighten. Thanks!

  2. Hi Chenoe123: This hairdressing has an acidic pH which seals the cuticle down. Most of the clients are using it to roll or pin-curl at night without reversion. Maybe try it in one area to see what you think. A little goes a long way.

  3. I'm so glad I stumbled across this product in Sallys a couple of weeks ago! I brought it last week during their VAT Free promotion and first impressions are it is very moisturising.

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