Please bare with me - more articles to come that are NOT SisterLocks related! Smile. I have been trying get the hang of my SisterLocks so I figure I would share this last SisterLock article before I start working on some other topics!
Well, it took 38 ponytail elastic holders and about an hour to get all of my SisterLocks bundled. Can you imagine walking out of my SisterLocks installation with all those straight locks?
Anyway, I shampooed my Sisterlocks for the first time in the bundles. It went well enough. The leftover relaxed ends seemed to try to stick together. I was told by my SisterLock consultant that it was best to wait until the hair was dry to detangle. So I set my SisterLocks on perm rods and sat under the platform dryer. I slept in the curled bundles. I then used Jane Carter Solution Hair Nourishing Serum to separate the bundles and curls the next morning.
I kept the serum on my ends only. Looser curl patterns probably should not use the serum because looser curl patterns are hard to lock on its own. However, my kinky curl pattern, was starting to look too dry, and I wanted something lightweight to run through my ends. I did not add anything to my scalp. Can you see the length when they are all curled up? I definitely look forward to growing them out!
I have received a lot of compliments from other ladies mostly clients and co-workers. I also have received compliments from men who were into natural hair. In another year, I should really be more comfortable with my SisterLock styling. I will keep you posted, of course!
Apparently, every week and every month, the SisterLocks will be changing as they grow out. This picture is around 2 weeks old!
Maintaining phenomenal hair through education on techniques, tools, and products!
Phenomenal . . .

Life, Growth, and Connection (This sunflower was nourished by my hands.) 2010; Photography by Benita Blocker. Please become a follower of this blog.
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Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
The Rest of my SisterLock Story
When I called SisterLocks headquarters to complain about not receiving my Starter Kit which I am still waiting on, I failed to mention the lack of business etiquette that I encountered with this particular SisterLock consultant. I suppose Sisterlocks headquarters can not control how consultants run their business, but here is the rest of my story:
I was impressed with my SisterLock consultant at the initial consultation. She performed my test locks, answered my questions, and showed me the two SisterLock videos. Great. Then she needed a $25 CONSULTATION Fee. Great. Not a problem. Then she asked for a $100 deposit to hold the install date which was about six weeks away. Great. Not a problem except she had no receipt book. I asked her to write out something to show that I paid her. She did write out the basics on a sheet of plain paper. She said that she does not seek out a lot of new clients so she does not keep a receipt book. I accepted that answer.
Then on the next day, she called me on the phone to inform me that she forgot to tell me that my $100 deposit was non-refundable. I told her that I was committed to having her perform the service, but that information would be better told to a customer upfront.
The consultant and I played phone tag over the next six weeks trying to get the timeframe down of two 8 hour days or two 12 hour days. I also was trying to finalize my transportation plans because she was 25 to 30 minutes across town. Then at 6:00am of the morning of installation which was scheduled for 8am, my consultant calls me mentioning that if she finishes that she will need all of her money that day. I told her that there was no way between 6am and 8am that morning that I was going to be able to get the other half of her money. I told her that was not the plan, and that she would have needed to let me know sooner. She was okay with that.
The installation day one went fine except she realized that she forgot to order my starter kit. She did attempt to order over the phone that day from the headquarters, but I do not know the results. We only completed 1/3 of my head. She was a little concerned about completing the rest of my head within 12 hours on the next day. So she agreed to pick me up from the train stop to save me a 10 to 15 minute walk on day two. However, on day two, I called her about 10 minutes before the train was due to arrive at the station near her subdivision. I got her voicemail. I then called to let her know that the train had just pulled into her station. I got her voicemail. I began my 10 to 15 minute walk when she finally called to see where I was because she lost track of time while going for a run. I told her that I had gotten to her subdivision. She then said that by the time, she got into the car, that I would be already there. So I walked on. I arrived on her porch and rang the doorbell. No answer. I then knocked on the door. No answer. I then rang her doorbell again. No answer. Then I called her again, and I got her voicemail. I stated that I was standing on her porch, and I did not know if her doorbells were working. Then she finally answers the door. I was literally "hot" from it being muggy outside and my patience level was "through the roof." She apologized. She tried to take a quick shower, and I got there rather fast. So I was calming myself down and drinking water to cool me down. I did not want to complain because she still had my hair to do and I had already paid her $425.00 for one third of my head. I really needed to get through this situation as professionally as I could. So I just smiled and kept my complaints to myself. I brought an empty bottle for her to pour some starter shampoo from her gallon size, but she was running low, so she gave me enough for a shampoo or two until my starter kit came in. We finished in 8 hours, and she kindly drove me back to my side of town. I was grateful.
Now, as you know, I still have yet to get my starter kit. It should be in my hands within a few more weeks, but where is the business etiquette in this situation? I prefer not to switch consultants, but I have been dissatisfied with the level of customer service that I have received thus far. I believe the locks were installed properly based on my research on youtube videos, etc. I am still frustrated by my experience. Do you think that SisterLocks headquarters should also be informed of the rest of my SisterLocks installation experience?
I was impressed with my SisterLock consultant at the initial consultation. She performed my test locks, answered my questions, and showed me the two SisterLock videos. Great. Then she needed a $25 CONSULTATION Fee. Great. Not a problem. Then she asked for a $100 deposit to hold the install date which was about six weeks away. Great. Not a problem except she had no receipt book. I asked her to write out something to show that I paid her. She did write out the basics on a sheet of plain paper. She said that she does not seek out a lot of new clients so she does not keep a receipt book. I accepted that answer.
Then on the next day, she called me on the phone to inform me that she forgot to tell me that my $100 deposit was non-refundable. I told her that I was committed to having her perform the service, but that information would be better told to a customer upfront.
The consultant and I played phone tag over the next six weeks trying to get the timeframe down of two 8 hour days or two 12 hour days. I also was trying to finalize my transportation plans because she was 25 to 30 minutes across town. Then at 6:00am of the morning of installation which was scheduled for 8am, my consultant calls me mentioning that if she finishes that she will need all of her money that day. I told her that there was no way between 6am and 8am that morning that I was going to be able to get the other half of her money. I told her that was not the plan, and that she would have needed to let me know sooner. She was okay with that.
The installation day one went fine except she realized that she forgot to order my starter kit. She did attempt to order over the phone that day from the headquarters, but I do not know the results. We only completed 1/3 of my head. She was a little concerned about completing the rest of my head within 12 hours on the next day. So she agreed to pick me up from the train stop to save me a 10 to 15 minute walk on day two. However, on day two, I called her about 10 minutes before the train was due to arrive at the station near her subdivision. I got her voicemail. I then called to let her know that the train had just pulled into her station. I got her voicemail. I began my 10 to 15 minute walk when she finally called to see where I was because she lost track of time while going for a run. I told her that I had gotten to her subdivision. She then said that by the time, she got into the car, that I would be already there. So I walked on. I arrived on her porch and rang the doorbell. No answer. I then knocked on the door. No answer. I then rang her doorbell again. No answer. Then I called her again, and I got her voicemail. I stated that I was standing on her porch, and I did not know if her doorbells were working. Then she finally answers the door. I was literally "hot" from it being muggy outside and my patience level was "through the roof." She apologized. She tried to take a quick shower, and I got there rather fast. So I was calming myself down and drinking water to cool me down. I did not want to complain because she still had my hair to do and I had already paid her $425.00 for one third of my head. I really needed to get through this situation as professionally as I could. So I just smiled and kept my complaints to myself. I brought an empty bottle for her to pour some starter shampoo from her gallon size, but she was running low, so she gave me enough for a shampoo or two until my starter kit came in. We finished in 8 hours, and she kindly drove me back to my side of town. I was grateful.
Now, as you know, I still have yet to get my starter kit. It should be in my hands within a few more weeks, but where is the business etiquette in this situation? I prefer not to switch consultants, but I have been dissatisfied with the level of customer service that I have received thus far. I believe the locks were installed properly based on my research on youtube videos, etc. I am still frustrated by my experience. Do you think that SisterLocks headquarters should also be informed of the rest of my SisterLocks installation experience?
Thursday, July 26, 2012
SisterLocks: The Good and the Bad!
Pictured is after 12 hours, we were only one-third done with my whole head. Only the front had been SisterLocked. I had an afro in the back. My hair is shorter in the back than the front of my head.
SisterLocks is not a hairstyle. I had to style it myself after the SisterLocks were installed.
My new SisterLock hairstyling - front view.
My new SisterLock hairstyling- back view.
Now, here's the "real deal" coming from me a licensed cosmetologist in three states . . .
Yes, 20 hours later over the course of two days, and $750.00 out of pocket cost, I have crossed over into SisterLock land! Upon completion of SisterLock installation, I arrived at my salon to figure out how to fix with a head full of frizz locks. The pictures that I attached are the "pretty pictures" after I got the Sisterlocks styled. I literally had to stare and study my head of frizzy locks trying to figure out how to make them look pretty. Obviously, from the pictures, I nailed it. I am happy about that, but I am also sorry that I did not take "before styling" pictures. Actually, I was so disgusted with my SisterLocks that I forgot to take pictures. I just wanted to figure out how to get a hairstyle before going to work the next day.
For the first time, I realized why SisterLocks were called a "natural hair management system. It is NOT a hairstyle. I had to laugh. I had just invested a lot of time and money only to leave out looking like a "hot mess" that I had to figure out how to style. But get this: I am happy with my SisterLock investment. My decision is about long term success with my hair; not short-term satisfaction.
Every curl pattern responds differently to locks and Sisterlocks. Actually, SisterLocks reminded me of receiving a relaxer service. Wondering how? SisterLocks deliver "complete control" over my natural hair, but SisterLocks is not the finish product. You still have to style it after all the hair is locked. It is the same similar feeling that you get after a relaxer service is rinsed out. The relaxer is NOT the hairstyle. The relaxer is designed to assist you with your hairstyling. Same thing with SisterLocks . . . after 20 hours of installation over a two day period and $750.00 (the equivalent of somebody's house payment), I left out of the locitician's shop only to head to my salon to figure out how to style a head full of locks. I apologize for being repetitious here, but it is easy to get fired up when you are not sure about an investment decision. A relaxer service is $80 and includes a hairstyle. So to pay almost $800 and not leave out with a hairstyle can make a Black woman lose her religion. Smile. Everybody's experience is going to be different depending on the curl pattern that one is starting with.
I also need to remind you that no cosmetology license is required to become a SisterLocks technician. SisterLock technicians are not hairstylists unless they are licensed by the State Board as a cosmetologist. SisterLocks is a trademarked system, and the company screens its consultants to make sure that they abide by SisterLocks standards.
But back to my point, for all the time and money spent, I had to dry wrap my head full of Sisterlocks on perm rods because they must remain bundled while they are wet in the "baby stage." After I made sure that every lock was bound to a perm rod, I used my water bottle to spray with rod. The water kept dripping from the rods. The SisterLocks did not seem to want to absorb the water. After 3 or 4 sprays per rod and some massaging, the microlocks seem to finally accept the wetness. Also, the end wrap papers may have caused the rejection of the spray bottle. Regardless, I sat under the platform dryer to dry. I have to admit that my SisterLock technician would probably have a "cow" if she knew I went under a heated dryer, and that I wet my locks the same day of the installation. At least I bound the SisterLocks with the rods before wetting them. Hopefully, the technician/locitian will not notice the next time I have my follow-up appointment. I had to admit that I was desperate for style. I did not get SisterLocks just to have a bunch of locks in my head. I wanted control over my hair without the relaxer. SisterLocks will serve this purpose, but styling is key for a corporate professional image that I am going for.
I must also admit that having at least the six inches of length to play with gave me decent styling options. Luckily, I had over six inches in the front, but the short areas in the back may propose a challenge with bundling; therefore potentially unravelling.
I can definitely see why SisterLocks is not the answer for everyone. For me, it will work out great as the years go on. However, if you like straight hair, and you have an extremely tight curl pattern, SisterLocks may be a disappointment to you because "curly styles or braid outs" seems to be the only styling option for certain curl patterns. Softer, looser curl patterns seem to deliver a more straight and conservative look.
On a separate note, I remember doing three or four "big chops" in my lifetime. I discovered that "big chops" were not the answer. Relaxers were not the answer. SisterLocks seem to be the answer for me.
In addition, those who are used to wigs and weaves and long flowing commercial hair, it is an adjustment to switch into SisterLock styling. People/co-workers may not recognize you at first although they may love the new hairstyle. I have to also admit that it may be another two years before I truly own my SisterLocks.
Overall, I am happy about my decision to begin my SisterLock journey. I am happy with my SisterLock consultant. She was not perfect from a business etiquette standpoint, but she stuck with her SisterLock grid. She was precise about parting and even partings. I feel that she put them in correctly. The only downside is that it has been an eye opener as far as my styling limitations for my particular curl pattern. Most people online complain about the price. I don't care about the price. I would travel across the world for my hair if I could ever find someone who knew what they were doing with extremely kinky, coily hair. So I am at home with SisterLocks; I am at peace.
I really wished that I could say that I was extremely excited about becoming a SisterLock consultant. I was planning to fly out to get the training immediately before my SisterLocks installation, but now, I am less upbeat. I really could see someone spending $1000.00 and three days only to realize that they do not like their SisterLocks. Hopefully, this article will assist people in their SisterLock decision making.
Locking the hair in general is for those who are completely at peace not to ever relax their hair again. If the relaxer is an option for the future for you, then SisterLocks or any other interlocking lock technique is NOT an option. Period.
You have to be fully committed to walking away from the "creamy crack" (relaxers) forever. I had finally reached that level of commitment. There is no turning back for me. I am looking forward to my continued journey in SisterLock land. Everyone has to "do you" whatever that is!
SisterLocks is not a hairstyle. I had to style it myself after the SisterLocks were installed.
My new SisterLock hairstyling - front view.
My new SisterLock hairstyling- back view.
Now, here's the "real deal" coming from me a licensed cosmetologist in three states . . .
Yes, 20 hours later over the course of two days, and $750.00 out of pocket cost, I have crossed over into SisterLock land! Upon completion of SisterLock installation, I arrived at my salon to figure out how to fix with a head full of frizz locks. The pictures that I attached are the "pretty pictures" after I got the Sisterlocks styled. I literally had to stare and study my head of frizzy locks trying to figure out how to make them look pretty. Obviously, from the pictures, I nailed it. I am happy about that, but I am also sorry that I did not take "before styling" pictures. Actually, I was so disgusted with my SisterLocks that I forgot to take pictures. I just wanted to figure out how to get a hairstyle before going to work the next day.
For the first time, I realized why SisterLocks were called a "natural hair management system. It is NOT a hairstyle. I had to laugh. I had just invested a lot of time and money only to leave out looking like a "hot mess" that I had to figure out how to style. But get this: I am happy with my SisterLock investment. My decision is about long term success with my hair; not short-term satisfaction.
Every curl pattern responds differently to locks and Sisterlocks. Actually, SisterLocks reminded me of receiving a relaxer service. Wondering how? SisterLocks deliver "complete control" over my natural hair, but SisterLocks is not the finish product. You still have to style it after all the hair is locked. It is the same similar feeling that you get after a relaxer service is rinsed out. The relaxer is NOT the hairstyle. The relaxer is designed to assist you with your hairstyling. Same thing with SisterLocks . . . after 20 hours of installation over a two day period and $750.00 (the equivalent of somebody's house payment), I left out of the locitician's shop only to head to my salon to figure out how to style a head full of locks. I apologize for being repetitious here, but it is easy to get fired up when you are not sure about an investment decision. A relaxer service is $80 and includes a hairstyle. So to pay almost $800 and not leave out with a hairstyle can make a Black woman lose her religion. Smile. Everybody's experience is going to be different depending on the curl pattern that one is starting with.
I also need to remind you that no cosmetology license is required to become a SisterLocks technician. SisterLock technicians are not hairstylists unless they are licensed by the State Board as a cosmetologist. SisterLocks is a trademarked system, and the company screens its consultants to make sure that they abide by SisterLocks standards.
But back to my point, for all the time and money spent, I had to dry wrap my head full of Sisterlocks on perm rods because they must remain bundled while they are wet in the "baby stage." After I made sure that every lock was bound to a perm rod, I used my water bottle to spray with rod. The water kept dripping from the rods. The SisterLocks did not seem to want to absorb the water. After 3 or 4 sprays per rod and some massaging, the microlocks seem to finally accept the wetness. Also, the end wrap papers may have caused the rejection of the spray bottle. Regardless, I sat under the platform dryer to dry. I have to admit that my SisterLock technician would probably have a "cow" if she knew I went under a heated dryer, and that I wet my locks the same day of the installation. At least I bound the SisterLocks with the rods before wetting them. Hopefully, the technician/locitian will not notice the next time I have my follow-up appointment. I had to admit that I was desperate for style. I did not get SisterLocks just to have a bunch of locks in my head. I wanted control over my hair without the relaxer. SisterLocks will serve this purpose, but styling is key for a corporate professional image that I am going for.
I must also admit that having at least the six inches of length to play with gave me decent styling options. Luckily, I had over six inches in the front, but the short areas in the back may propose a challenge with bundling; therefore potentially unravelling.
I can definitely see why SisterLocks is not the answer for everyone. For me, it will work out great as the years go on. However, if you like straight hair, and you have an extremely tight curl pattern, SisterLocks may be a disappointment to you because "curly styles or braid outs" seems to be the only styling option for certain curl patterns. Softer, looser curl patterns seem to deliver a more straight and conservative look.
On a separate note, I remember doing three or four "big chops" in my lifetime. I discovered that "big chops" were not the answer. Relaxers were not the answer. SisterLocks seem to be the answer for me.
In addition, those who are used to wigs and weaves and long flowing commercial hair, it is an adjustment to switch into SisterLock styling. People/co-workers may not recognize you at first although they may love the new hairstyle. I have to also admit that it may be another two years before I truly own my SisterLocks.
Overall, I am happy about my decision to begin my SisterLock journey. I am happy with my SisterLock consultant. She was not perfect from a business etiquette standpoint, but she stuck with her SisterLock grid. She was precise about parting and even partings. I feel that she put them in correctly. The only downside is that it has been an eye opener as far as my styling limitations for my particular curl pattern. Most people online complain about the price. I don't care about the price. I would travel across the world for my hair if I could ever find someone who knew what they were doing with extremely kinky, coily hair. So I am at home with SisterLocks; I am at peace.
I really wished that I could say that I was extremely excited about becoming a SisterLock consultant. I was planning to fly out to get the training immediately before my SisterLocks installation, but now, I am less upbeat. I really could see someone spending $1000.00 and three days only to realize that they do not like their SisterLocks. Hopefully, this article will assist people in their SisterLock decision making.
Locking the hair in general is for those who are completely at peace not to ever relax their hair again. If the relaxer is an option for the future for you, then SisterLocks or any other interlocking lock technique is NOT an option. Period.
You have to be fully committed to walking away from the "creamy crack" (relaxers) forever. I had finally reached that level of commitment. There is no turning back for me. I am looking forward to my continued journey in SisterLock land. Everyone has to "do you" whatever that is!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
My SisterLock Installation Preparation Pack!
Oh my goodness, tomorrow is day one of two days of a 20 - 24 hour SisterLock installation. 400 to 450 micro-locks to be installed. Okay, I have been preparing for this!
1) 12 hours of video/movies! -- Check!
2) Tissue box in case I get teary eyed from the movies! --Check!
3) Aleve - in case I get a headache! -- Check!
4) Ponytail holders to pincurl and bundle as she completes each section! -- Check!
5) Ouidad Botanical Curl Spray - to wet my bundles and set the curls into the SisterLocks -- Check!
6) Dried Apricots and Fruit and nut mix for snacks - Check!
7) Breakfast sandwiches - so I do not have to stop for breakfast. Just microwave - eat and go! -- Check!
Not pictured: Wig, scarf, or headband to get me through day one in which only half of my head will be completed. Wink.
Okay, stay tuned. I will post my new SisterLocks style within another five days! It may take me about three days to adjust to the new Sisterlocks.
Regardless, Hair Freedom - here I come!!!!!!!!! Yeah!
1) 12 hours of video/movies! -- Check!
2) Tissue box in case I get teary eyed from the movies! --Check!
3) Aleve - in case I get a headache! -- Check!
4) Ponytail holders to pincurl and bundle as she completes each section! -- Check!
5) Ouidad Botanical Curl Spray - to wet my bundles and set the curls into the SisterLocks -- Check!
6) Dried Apricots and Fruit and nut mix for snacks - Check!
7) Breakfast sandwiches - so I do not have to stop for breakfast. Just microwave - eat and go! -- Check!
Not pictured: Wig, scarf, or headband to get me through day one in which only half of my head will be completed. Wink.
Okay, stay tuned. I will post my new SisterLocks style within another five days! It may take me about three days to adjust to the new Sisterlocks.
Regardless, Hair Freedom - here I come!!!!!!!!! Yeah!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Wet wrap Regimen for short relaxed hair
Lately, I have been very successful with styling short cuts by using the combination of products pictured.
1) Spray Joico Leave-in Detangler through out hair and comb through. 2) I have been using the "Freddie J" inspired molding pattern. Please see separate blog article on hair artist Freddie J "Breaking the mold Dvd." 3)I would then use two palm full of Paul Mitchell Sculpting lotion distributed. 4) Next apply Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam distributed making sure that the hair is molded flat. 5) Use the "wrap styling strips" to hold hair down around the perimeter. I believe Freddie J's dvd that I mentioned in step 2 above has a professional way of using two styling strips for a secure placement. 6) Upon drying completely, you can use Bee Mine Products "Hair and scalp moisturizer" and a large paddle brush to loosen up the hold. (I may experiment with a few more other lightweight oils in the future just to have other options.) 7)Also, distributing some Kayvel Curl Wave sparingly helps with your marcel iron curling. Remember to brush the mold to loosen it up! It will be soft when you release the "temporary" product hold.
Final Results: Soft to touch shiny hair with a firm hold without it being crunchy.
1) Spray Joico Leave-in Detangler through out hair and comb through. 2) I have been using the "Freddie J" inspired molding pattern. Please see separate blog article on hair artist Freddie J "Breaking the mold Dvd." 3)I would then use two palm full of Paul Mitchell Sculpting lotion distributed. 4) Next apply Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam distributed making sure that the hair is molded flat. 5) Use the "wrap styling strips" to hold hair down around the perimeter. I believe Freddie J's dvd that I mentioned in step 2 above has a professional way of using two styling strips for a secure placement. 6) Upon drying completely, you can use Bee Mine Products "Hair and scalp moisturizer" and a large paddle brush to loosen up the hold. (I may experiment with a few more other lightweight oils in the future just to have other options.) 7)Also, distributing some Kayvel Curl Wave sparingly helps with your marcel iron curling. Remember to brush the mold to loosen it up! It will be soft when you release the "temporary" product hold.
Final Results: Soft to touch shiny hair with a firm hold without it being crunchy.
Paul Mitchell Relaxer Client: Almost two years!
Hair by Benita Blocker. My client started with me in October 2010. Her curl pattern is probably a Type 3c. I put her on the Paul Mitchell regular strength relaxer system.
Hair by Benita Blocker. She gets relaxer touch-ups about every 10 to 12 weeks. We just completed another relaxer touch-up and a traditional stove and marcel curling iron service. We trimmed the hair for some shape and used some Kayvel curl wave to assist with holding the curls.
My client uses the KeraCare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo Classic for home care because of the amount of texture that she keeps in her hair. She wears her hair in a bun on top of her head on bad hair days. She loves the Paul Mitchell Relaxer system. It works for her.
Hair by Benita Blocker. She gets relaxer touch-ups about every 10 to 12 weeks. We just completed another relaxer touch-up and a traditional stove and marcel curling iron service. We trimmed the hair for some shape and used some Kayvel curl wave to assist with holding the curls.
My client uses the KeraCare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo Classic for home care because of the amount of texture that she keeps in her hair. She wears her hair in a bun on top of her head on bad hair days. She loves the Paul Mitchell Relaxer system. It works for her.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Product Review: Jane Carter Solution Wrap and Roll
The Jane Carter Solution Wrap and Roll foam is a sure thing for those who have a lot of porosity or frizziness to their hair. The frizz could come from relaxer underprocessing/texturizing or excessive flat iron use. Regardless of the reason for the frizz, you can use as much of this paraben-free foam as you would like, and there is no such thing as overdoing it.
As long as the foam is not expired, it delivers a soft roller set with a lot of body. Luckily, I have not had one of these foam to expire on me. We offer Wrap and Roll foam for sale in the Applebaum Salon.
As long as the foam is not expired, it delivers a soft roller set with a lot of body. Luckily, I have not had one of these foam to expire on me. We offer Wrap and Roll foam for sale in the Applebaum Salon.
Curly Leave-in Conditioner for the Budget Conscious!
Working periodically with the elderly and others on a tight budget, I am sometimes asked about products that are less than $20 to purchase. So this Soft and Beautiful Botanicals Lite Creme Moisturizer costs about $4 and seems to work great on a customer that I met in Sallys Beauty Supply on her "ultra tightly coiled" shiny afro.
So for the "curly hair sistas" on a budget, try this lightweight leave-in conditioner for daily use! (And please give me feedback!)
So for the "curly hair sistas" on a budget, try this lightweight leave-in conditioner for daily use! (And please give me feedback!)
Fray Block: Lace Front Wig Cutting Suggestion
Fray Block is designed to keep fabric from unravelling after its been cut, but I used it to seal the hard, prickily lace front fabric on my synthetic wig. You may ask why is that important? Well, the lace front fabric sometimes felt like a"knife" on my scalp, and I noticed some breakage. I felt that the rough edges from the lace front was cutting into my hair. I tried black bonding hair glue to seal the lace front edge, but it seemed to leave residue in my hair if I sweat.
So I tried the fray block, and it seemed to eliminate the pain that I would sometimes feel from the lace front wig fabric. You can pick up the "fray block" from the fabric store and follow the instructions for use. It is best to experiment on some old fabric to get an idea of how runny the product gets, the drying time, and how clear it is after it dries.
Also, using a razor to cut and smooth the edges after the fray block has dried is a good way to eliminate "prickly" areas around the hairline of the wig.
Please note that "high end" lace fronts will not need any fray block. Typically, the lace is softer and more delicate. However, the cheap wigs are going to have "cheap lace" material attached to it. Lower prices means that the quality is sacrificed, but not necessarily the style.
So I tried the fray block, and it seemed to eliminate the pain that I would sometimes feel from the lace front wig fabric. You can pick up the "fray block" from the fabric store and follow the instructions for use. It is best to experiment on some old fabric to get an idea of how runny the product gets, the drying time, and how clear it is after it dries.
Also, using a razor to cut and smooth the edges after the fray block has dried is a good way to eliminate "prickly" areas around the hairline of the wig.
Please note that "high end" lace fronts will not need any fray block. Typically, the lace is softer and more delicate. However, the cheap wigs are going to have "cheap lace" material attached to it. Lower prices means that the quality is sacrificed, but not necessarily the style.
Ponytail Elastics: Metal or no Metal?
I have had to keep my 8 sample SisterLocks bundled to shampoo and protect them from sweat. So I have been experimenting with ponytail holders. So which do you think is less prone to pulling or snagging your hair - metal or non-metal?
On a separate note, rubber bands were definitely not an option, but I did experiment with both of the ponytail holders pictured. One has metal and one does not. Believe or not, I found the metal elastic ponytail holders were more gentle on my hair. The "Ouchless" non-metal elastics seemed to snag my hair at the "rough hard" area on the elastic band. Do you see the raised area on the Goody "Ouchless" bands?
Honestly, the elastic bands with the metal did not pull my hair until the braided band itself started to lose its shape and expose some of the rubber that was used to make it. The exposed rubber snagged my hair, but at that point, I decided to trash it and get a new one.
So I choose the elastic ponytails with metal as my preference for healthy hair and ease of getting on and off.
On a separate note, rubber bands were definitely not an option, but I did experiment with both of the ponytail holders pictured. One has metal and one does not. Believe or not, I found the metal elastic ponytail holders were more gentle on my hair. The "Ouchless" non-metal elastics seemed to snag my hair at the "rough hard" area on the elastic band. Do you see the raised area on the Goody "Ouchless" bands?
Honestly, the elastic bands with the metal did not pull my hair until the braided band itself started to lose its shape and expose some of the rubber that was used to make it. The exposed rubber snagged my hair, but at that point, I decided to trash it and get a new one.
So I choose the elastic ponytails with metal as my preference for healthy hair and ease of getting on and off.
Friday, July 13, 2012
SisterLocks: Embracing Hair Freedom
SisterLocks countdown . . . in about ten more days I will start my 20+ hour session of sisterlocks. I am trying to write down all of the movies that I want to watch. I am excited about having the freedom of acheiving beautiful "wash and go" hair without any chemicals! Pictured are some medium length sisterLocks. As they grow longer, it only gets better!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Headband rolling on a wig
Using a Black headband, I performed the "Headband curls" method as mentioned in my previous article on my blog on my wig. While wearing my human hair straight wig, I misted it with Joico Leave-in Detangler and began spiral wrapping and feeding section by section around the headband. Then I removed the wig with headband attached to rest for the night. The results are fabulous on the next morning!
The Headband curl method should look like this on a long haired wig.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Is it a Relaxer or a Press and Curl?
Hair by Benita Blocker. With this particular young client, I used my "press and curl" regimen as posted in my latest press and curl article. The only difference is that I used a marcel flat iron and stove in lieu of the actual pressing comb.
This hairstyle was about 3 hours to complete. I started with a conditioner as a pre-shampoo. She had just come out of braids, and she does not have any relaxer in her hair. My "Beat the Heat" press and curl should last about two weeks. It felt great!!! Not greasy. Not stiff. A nice middleweight feel to it! It is actually a healthy hard press.
This hairstyle was about 3 hours to complete. I started with a conditioner as a pre-shampoo. She had just come out of braids, and she does not have any relaxer in her hair. My "Beat the Heat" press and curl should last about two weeks. It felt great!!! Not greasy. Not stiff. A nice middleweight feel to it! It is actually a healthy hard press.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Nighttime Hair maintenance Using Headbands
I picked these "Ouchless Gentle fit" headbands to use at night. The first method is for long straight hair. It is called "Headband curls." I found this youtube tutorial by searching for "no heat curls." click here for headband curls video by CuteGirlsHairstyles
Pictured is the results of the headband curling method from the night before. I achieved beautiful S-shaped waves in my straight hair. I used the Joico Leave-in Detangler to mist my hair before spiral wrapping around the headband.
For those with relaxed hair, try a water based hairdressing instead of a mist, then spiral wrap around the headband.
The second nighttime method is for long curly hair. It is called the "Pineapple Method." click here for pineapple method video using a scrunchie The headband is better for those with thicker or kinkier hair that will not fit into the scrunchie.
The overall idea of the pineapple method is to pile all the curls on top of your head and hold them there overnight.
Pictured is the results of the headband curling method from the night before. I achieved beautiful S-shaped waves in my straight hair. I used the Joico Leave-in Detangler to mist my hair before spiral wrapping around the headband.
For those with relaxed hair, try a water based hairdressing instead of a mist, then spiral wrap around the headband.
The second nighttime method is for long curly hair. It is called the "Pineapple Method." click here for pineapple method video using a scrunchie The headband is better for those with thicker or kinkier hair that will not fit into the scrunchie.
The overall idea of the pineapple method is to pile all the curls on top of your head and hold them there overnight.
The Power of Hair: Deal or no Deal
This "long hair look" took me down memory lane after I noticed the number of extra stares that I received on my day off. I even had one gentleman to say that he could not believe that no one had come along and just scooped me up. Now, I remind you that I am still not fitting back into my size 6 (six) pantsuits. I am still amazed how men can go "crazy" about "hair" despite a woman's full figure.
I specifically remember meeting a particular guy at a networking function several years ago. I was wearing a "fresh out the pack" half wig that blended very nicely with my own hair in front. Well this particular guy approached me and began conversation. He was intrigued with how beautiful my hair was. He even asked to touch it. I said "sure." He just ran his fingers through my hair ends (reality check: the ends of the long half wig). He just melted. He was in love with my hair. I was happy that I wore my "new" piece that evening. So I passed the "touch" test, and we then slipped away to the "happy hour" bar scene. We talked for about two hours, and he complimented me on my hair about four more times during the two hour conversation. He then walked me to my car.
At this point, I was mentally at war over the hair topic. Should I tell him that I had "help" to achieve my hairstyle or just let him keep thinking that it is all "home grown." Well, since I was getting the vibe that he was purely a "hair man" - I decided to tell him "this was not all my hair." His response in a nutshell was: "are you baldheaded?" Of course, the answer was "no." And I never heard from him again - "The jerk." Smile.
I can happily say that I made the best decision based on our prior two hour conversation. He had some growing up to do. He was very self-centered. I was not fond of how he talked negatively about his "baby mama" etc. Should I say more? In my mind, I think that I was looking for an excuse to get rid of him as well. He was physically attractive, but the conversation was barely tolerable. It all worked out for the best. It was a little traumatizing to have wasted two hours, but that is better than wasting two more dates. Smile.
Nonetheless, hair is a very powerful thing. Natural looking long hair can lure more men than you could ever imagine . . .
I specifically remember meeting a particular guy at a networking function several years ago. I was wearing a "fresh out the pack" half wig that blended very nicely with my own hair in front. Well this particular guy approached me and began conversation. He was intrigued with how beautiful my hair was. He even asked to touch it. I said "sure." He just ran his fingers through my hair ends (reality check: the ends of the long half wig). He just melted. He was in love with my hair. I was happy that I wore my "new" piece that evening. So I passed the "touch" test, and we then slipped away to the "happy hour" bar scene. We talked for about two hours, and he complimented me on my hair about four more times during the two hour conversation. He then walked me to my car.
At this point, I was mentally at war over the hair topic. Should I tell him that I had "help" to achieve my hairstyle or just let him keep thinking that it is all "home grown." Well, since I was getting the vibe that he was purely a "hair man" - I decided to tell him "this was not all my hair." His response in a nutshell was: "are you baldheaded?" Of course, the answer was "no." And I never heard from him again - "The jerk." Smile.
I can happily say that I made the best decision based on our prior two hour conversation. He had some growing up to do. He was very self-centered. I was not fond of how he talked negatively about his "baby mama" etc. Should I say more? In my mind, I think that I was looking for an excuse to get rid of him as well. He was physically attractive, but the conversation was barely tolerable. It all worked out for the best. It was a little traumatizing to have wasted two hours, but that is better than wasting two more dates. Smile.
Nonetheless, hair is a very powerful thing. Natural looking long hair can lure more men than you could ever imagine . . .
Male Chest Hair: What's your preference?
Chest hair on men came up during one of my conversations with a client. She apparently like many other ladies, can not stand chest hair on men.
Then you have some ladies that may be okay with male chest hair as long as it does not look like "taco bell beef" (i.e. kinky) One blogger literally had a "Taco Bell" picture attached to her article on how disgusting and appalled she was by kinky chest hair.
I have to admit that I never gave much thought to the whole chest hair question until now. I was always looking for men with a personality and an attractive face. I don't think chest hair would be a deal breaker for me. I think that it is something that I could get used to if my mate had chest hair. I actually think that both of these men in this article seem to be confident in their sexiness with their chest hair - be it kinky or not.
The male chest hair topic is just like other ladies' hair topics. If the hair that you show is not "wavy" "exotic-looking" or "tamed" then you are not considered socially acceptable.
So how stressed are men over their hair????? Do the estheticians remove just as much hair off of men as women? Any thoughts?
I have to admit that I never gave much thought to the whole chest hair question until now. I was always looking for men with a personality and an attractive face. I don't think chest hair would be a deal breaker for me. I think that it is something that I could get used to if my mate had chest hair. I actually think that both of these men in this article seem to be confident in their sexiness with their chest hair - be it kinky or not.
The male chest hair topic is just like other ladies' hair topics. If the hair that you show is not "wavy" "exotic-looking" or "tamed" then you are not considered socially acceptable.
So how stressed are men over their hair????? Do the estheticians remove just as much hair off of men as women? Any thoughts?
Friday, July 6, 2012
Perm Rods: From Straight to Curly!
So how many of these blue perm rods does it take to roll a full head of hair? (The answer is at the end of this article.)
I had to complete a "curly perm" or a "permanent wave" on an elderly client recently, and I realized that the blue perm rods deliver the best curl pattern for anyone who wants a head full of curls. Our main purpose for applying the permanent wave solution was because her naturally straight hair would not hold a roller set for more than a couple of days, and she was homebound. So we still roller wrapped her hair after the neutralizing of the perm solution, and her final styling was soft and curly.
As I was rinsing out the perm rods to store them again, I decided to count them. I counted 58 (fifty-eight) blue perm rods. So was your guess close?
Timing to roll equated to parting time plus end paper wrap and perm rod roll. So about 35 minutes to roll the whole head is reasonable if all other conditions are in your favor like no interruptions!
This service is not designed for those with naturally curly hair although many people interchange the terms "perm" and "relaxers." Perms and relaxers are too different chemicals that serve two different purposes. Although one could argue that "perm" means "permanent" but then the question to ask is "are you going for permanently straight or permanently curly?" Most hairstylists can read your mind on this one!
I had to complete a "curly perm" or a "permanent wave" on an elderly client recently, and I realized that the blue perm rods deliver the best curl pattern for anyone who wants a head full of curls. Our main purpose for applying the permanent wave solution was because her naturally straight hair would not hold a roller set for more than a couple of days, and she was homebound. So we still roller wrapped her hair after the neutralizing of the perm solution, and her final styling was soft and curly.
As I was rinsing out the perm rods to store them again, I decided to count them. I counted 58 (fifty-eight) blue perm rods. So was your guess close?
Timing to roll equated to parting time plus end paper wrap and perm rod roll. So about 35 minutes to roll the whole head is reasonable if all other conditions are in your favor like no interruptions!
This service is not designed for those with naturally curly hair although many people interchange the terms "perm" and "relaxers." Perms and relaxers are too different chemicals that serve two different purposes. Although one could argue that "perm" means "permanent" but then the question to ask is "are you going for permanently straight or permanently curly?" Most hairstylists can read your mind on this one!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Why force Dreadlocks into Straight hair?
As you know, I plan to get my hair "SisterLocked" soon. SisterLocks promote themselves as a "lifestyle" not a hairstyle. This picture is NOT SisterLocks! SisterLocks are much, much smaller in size, and they are designed for those born with "kink" in their hair.
People born with straight hair or loose curl patterns that want a neater, slightly smaller lock can consider the Interlock method as recommended by the "KeepItKinky" e-magazine.
You may be wondering why do I have this straight-haired woman with dreadlocks on my blog??? Well, I do not like the dreadlock look. I am only choosing the SisterLock method because they are micro/small in size, and one can barely identify that they are locks from the distance. The SisterLocks are very feminine, and I can say "good-bye" to relaxers forever.
So my question is why would a person born with straight hair want matted dreadlocks? I do not get it! We as Black women constantly struggle with trying to keep our "nappy" hair straight by either relaxing it or pressing it, but to see a White person backcombing to force "kink" into their hair is unnerving.
It is an awakening to know that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder . . .
People born with straight hair or loose curl patterns that want a neater, slightly smaller lock can consider the Interlock method as recommended by the "KeepItKinky" e-magazine.
You may be wondering why do I have this straight-haired woman with dreadlocks on my blog??? Well, I do not like the dreadlock look. I am only choosing the SisterLock method because they are micro/small in size, and one can barely identify that they are locks from the distance. The SisterLocks are very feminine, and I can say "good-bye" to relaxers forever.
So my question is why would a person born with straight hair want matted dreadlocks? I do not get it! We as Black women constantly struggle with trying to keep our "nappy" hair straight by either relaxing it or pressing it, but to see a White person backcombing to force "kink" into their hair is unnerving.
It is an awakening to know that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder . . .
Monday, July 2, 2012
The Press and Curl Regimen to beat the HEAT!
The Summer Heat is on, and the only "Afro Circus" that you want to see is probably in the latest Madagascar III movie! (Loved it!!! in 3D! :)
On a more serious note . . . Are you all natural and want a press and curl service that will beat the heat?
I have been tweaking this regimen for years! This one is the best one yet!!!!!
Tools needed: Kizure Pressing Comb, pressing pad (optional), paddle brush, Marcel curling iron and stove.
Products needed: KeraCare 1st Lather sulfate-free shampoo, Bee Mine Botanical Moisturizing Shampoo, Mizani Moistufuse conditioner, Chi Silkeratin17 treatment, Joico Detangling Leave-in, Pureology SuperSmooth Elixir, Kayvel Creme Press, and Kayvel Curling Wave.
Technique: 1) Shampoo with KeraCare 1st Lather Sulfate-free shampoo once or twice if hair is extremely oily from a hot oil treatment, etc. 2) Shampoo with Bee Mine Botanical Moisturizing Shampoo two or three times until hair feels soft. 3) Towel blot the hair and generously apply the Mizani Moistufuse conditioner through out the hair. Comb the Moistufuse conditioner through the hair. Spray the Chi Silkeratin17 fortifying treatment through the hair layering the treatment on top of the Moistufuse conditioner. Comb through and apply the Silkeratin17 everywhere that the comb is catching in the hair. As soon as you are completely detangled from the Chi and Mizani cocktail, then sit under the platform dryer for about 15 minutes. Not much longer because most of your work is already done . . . you detangled before going under the dryer remember? 4) Rinse the treatment out and apply your two leave-in conditioners for your blow-dry service. (Joico Leave-in detangler and Pureology Supersmooth Elixir) Comb through to distribute evenly. 5) Blowdry completely, start warming up the pressing comb, and then apply your Kayvel creme press. Distribute a nickel size amount emulsified in your hands trhoughout the hair, and that is all that you need. Comb the creme press to finish even distribution through the hair. 6) Test the pressing comb to make sure it is not too hot. Grab your pressing pad if you have one. Soft press the hair all over with pressing comb and pressing pad if your comb is starting to cool down on lengthy hair. The hair should be manageable by combing through without being bone straight. Warm up your marcel irons. 7) Comb the hair into a ponytail. If there are any extremely uneven ends, clip some of the hair ends off. Apply your a nickel size of Kayvel Curl wave emulsified in your hands throughout the hair. Comb through for even distribution 8)Test your marcel iron. Begin curling your hair and clipping the curls down until they cool down.
Then voila - your core press and curl is complete! If you need smoother edges, then decide if you need a temple pressing comb (small pressing comb) or just some smooth edge styling aids.
Results: Soft, straight hair without the grease! Very humidity resistant too!
Let me know how you like this technique and product selection!!!!
On a more serious note . . . Are you all natural and want a press and curl service that will beat the heat?
I have been tweaking this regimen for years! This one is the best one yet!!!!!
Tools needed: Kizure Pressing Comb, pressing pad (optional), paddle brush, Marcel curling iron and stove.
Products needed: KeraCare 1st Lather sulfate-free shampoo, Bee Mine Botanical Moisturizing Shampoo, Mizani Moistufuse conditioner, Chi Silkeratin17 treatment, Joico Detangling Leave-in, Pureology SuperSmooth Elixir, Kayvel Creme Press, and Kayvel Curling Wave.
Technique: 1) Shampoo with KeraCare 1st Lather Sulfate-free shampoo once or twice if hair is extremely oily from a hot oil treatment, etc. 2) Shampoo with Bee Mine Botanical Moisturizing Shampoo two or three times until hair feels soft. 3) Towel blot the hair and generously apply the Mizani Moistufuse conditioner through out the hair. Comb the Moistufuse conditioner through the hair. Spray the Chi Silkeratin17 fortifying treatment through the hair layering the treatment on top of the Moistufuse conditioner. Comb through and apply the Silkeratin17 everywhere that the comb is catching in the hair. As soon as you are completely detangled from the Chi and Mizani cocktail, then sit under the platform dryer for about 15 minutes. Not much longer because most of your work is already done . . . you detangled before going under the dryer remember? 4) Rinse the treatment out and apply your two leave-in conditioners for your blow-dry service. (Joico Leave-in detangler and Pureology Supersmooth Elixir) Comb through to distribute evenly. 5) Blowdry completely, start warming up the pressing comb, and then apply your Kayvel creme press. Distribute a nickel size amount emulsified in your hands trhoughout the hair, and that is all that you need. Comb the creme press to finish even distribution through the hair. 6) Test the pressing comb to make sure it is not too hot. Grab your pressing pad if you have one. Soft press the hair all over with pressing comb and pressing pad if your comb is starting to cool down on lengthy hair. The hair should be manageable by combing through without being bone straight. Warm up your marcel irons. 7) Comb the hair into a ponytail. If there are any extremely uneven ends, clip some of the hair ends off. Apply your a nickel size of Kayvel Curl wave emulsified in your hands throughout the hair. Comb through for even distribution 8)Test your marcel iron. Begin curling your hair and clipping the curls down until they cool down.
Then voila - your core press and curl is complete! If you need smoother edges, then decide if you need a temple pressing comb (small pressing comb) or just some smooth edge styling aids.
Results: Soft, straight hair without the grease! Very humidity resistant too!
Let me know how you like this technique and product selection!!!!
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