Phenomenal . . .

Phenomenal . . .
Life, Growth, and Connection (This sunflower was nourished by my hands.) 2010; Photography by Benita Blocker. Please become a follower of this blog.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Loose Lids can cause product spoilage!

I accidently either dropped this jar of Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding and then maybe twisted the top entirely too tight. Regardless, the cracked lid caused this product to change its consistency. The batch code on this jar was GT643B. The lid was able to stay on the jar securely despite the crack, but obviously, there was extra air getting into the jar. Luckily, I had begun using a new jar, but I had this jar stored away to give to someone as a sample if need arose. I began Winter cleaning and came across the jar and of course, I was in shock at the condition of the product inside!

Lesson learned: Keep your products sealed especially the more natural products!

1 comment:

  1. I left some fresh Miss Jessie's curly pudding out in a bowl for a few days. The product started turning dark purple as it began drying out. So the cracked lid did cause the product inside to begin to dry out. That means all products really need to keep their lids on tight to preserve the freshness and effectiveness of the product.
