Okay, here are my rules for protective styling:
1) Human hair wigs should not weigh more than 4 oz (four ounces).
2) Synthetic wigs should not weigh more than 4.75 oz (under five ounces).
3) Use a food scale to weigh the wig or protective styling unit that you are planning to wear. If it is too heavy, then thin it out using texturizing shears. Make sure that you thin the wig out evenly. You do need to keep the original style.
4) Always keep your hairline breatheable. The bang area of this half wig is my own actual hair blended with the wig.
5) If you are relying on the combs inside of the wig, then please make sure that you braid at least two rows of your hair to anchor the combs through.
6) Support the wig base as you are styling it. You do not want to stress your own hair.
7) Look for monofilament in the top of the wig to give you a natural scalp look.
8) Learn your headshape. Everyone's head is not ideal for a lace front wig. Please see my separate article on ideal headshape for wigs. Katy Perry and Nikki Minaj have a great headshapes for wigs. Jennifer Hudson does not have an ideal headshape for lacefront wigs. (Just my opinion - Love you anyway Jennifer!)
9) Protective styling makes more sense in the winter months when you need more head coverings anyway.
10) Please moisturize and care for your hair every night and morning. You may need to rebraid your hair every other day to make sure the braid is strong enough to anchor the comb attachment in the wig.
11) Don't sleep in the wig if you can help it.
12) Stick with colors that match your natural haircolor.
13) Keep up your relaxer touch-ups to avoid breakage for those with kinkier hair. You can push your touch-ups out a few extra weeks.
14) After 16 months, you should be able to let the protective styling go!
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