Phenomenal . . .

Phenomenal . . .
Life, Growth, and Connection (This sunflower was nourished by my hands.) 2010; Photography by Benita Blocker. Please become a follower of this blog.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

6 years and Four months Sisterlocks Anniversary

I designed this blue velvet pantsuit.  Foxx Skynz by Design brought the sample to life.

Six years four months Sisterlocks Anniversary.  They say the color blue is a sign of success.

Left out of movie Creed II (absolutely loved it!)

Loc Journey and Life Journey - both require fights and perseverance.  I have taken a lot of punches. I have delivered my own blows. I am still standing by the grace of God. I love my exotic, long locs. God has a new chapter around the corner for my life, and my long locs are a part of that rebirth.

Purity, Love, and Blessings unto you. Thanks for your continued support.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Benita's Favorite Products of 2018

First of all, anything on my 2017 List from November of last year that I still love may NOT be repeated on this list.  So let's get started!

Favorite Tea Tree Shampoo
Paul Mitchell Lavender Mint Shampoo (It does have sulfates so it may not be friendly to colortreated hair.)

Favorite Smoothing System Maintenance Shampoo
Design Essentials STS Express Smoothing System Cleansing Sulfate Free Shampoo

Favorite Blow-Dry Priming Spray
Design Essentials Agave and Lavender Silk Press Moisturizing Blow-dry and Style Primer (Pictured above)

Favorite Multi-purpose Foam
Congo Perfecta Wrap-Set-Twist Foam (Pictured above)

Favorite Natural Hair Initial Hydration Spray for (L.O.C. Method)
The Mane Choice Tropical Moringa Sweet Oil and Honey Endless Moisture Restorative Spray (pictured above)

Favorite Natural Hair Cream for (L. O. C. Method)
The Mane Choice Tropical Morings Sweet Oil and Honey Endless Moisture Sealing Cream (no extra oil necessary - step 2 and 3 in one - pictured above)

Favorite Loc Setting Lotion
Jamaican Mango and Lime Lock and Set Styling Lotion (pictured above)

Favorite White/Gray Toning Conditioner
AG Hair Cosmetics Colour Care Sterling Silver Conditioner (blue color complements Schwarzkopf's Color Save Silver (violet) Shampoo to give hints of purple and blue mix)

Favorite Blow Dry Creme
Colorproof HeatProof Anti-frizz Blow Dry Creme (pictured above)

Favorite Color Sealing  (low pH) Conditioner
Abba Color Protection Conditioner (pH 2.5 to 3)

Favorite Lightweight Hair and Scalp Dressing
Dudley's Hair and Scalp Conditioner Plus Vitamins A, D and E

Favorite Lightweight Hair and Scalp Glossifier
KeraCare Dry and Itchy Scalp Glossifier

Favorite Natural Hair "Sponge" Cream
The Mane Choice Tropical Moringa Sweet Oil and Honey Endless Moisture Sealing Cream

Favorite Natural Hair Sponge
Diane by Fromm

Many products from my previous lists of 2017, 2016 and 2015 are still my favorites.  So if you are going Christmas shopping or Black Friday shopping - print out this list as well as my 2015, 2016 and 2017 favorites list.

Happy Holidays!!!!!

How Often should Locs be tightened?

Loc Expert Benita Blocker

How often should locs be tightened? So Glad that you asked!  The smaller the locs, the closer to 4 to 5 weeks is recommended. Medium size locs, closer to 6 to 7 weeks is recommended.  Larger locs, 8 weeks or more is recommended.  

Why? The number of loc rotations decreases with the larger the loc's diameter is.  So small locs allow for the most rotations to stay secure so frequency is importatnt. Medium locs typically don't allow a full rotation until about 6 to 7 weeks.

Because my Sisterlocks are larger than many, at a four or five week period, I was at risk of being overtightened.  And initially, I did have a Sisterlocks technician to overtighten instead of informing me it was too soon for the tightening.  Sometimes the technicians don't know.

Articles like this can be used as a guide for both consumers and technicians.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Six years three months Sisterlocks Anniversary

 It's six years and three months since I started my Sisterlocks journey. No selfies this month, but event pictures showcase me well.
Check back soon for my annual hair product wish list!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Sisterlocks at Six years and two months!

Six years and two months ago, I started my Sisterlocks journey.

Again, I am pushing my loc styling options because one of my clients challenged me.

September is my born month.

When my Sisterlocks are wet, I can claim waist length since I am short waisted.

I bantu knot my locs to set my curls. It makes my updos easier to mold.

2018 - Hair Relaxers Still Work!

Hair by Benita Blocker
My client has been relaxed for years.  Roller sets keep it healthy.

Hair by Benita Blocker
My client has been relaxed for years.  Purple Flexi- rod sets keep it healthy.

Hair by Benita Blocker
My client has been relaxed for years.  Flat Wrap keeps it healthy.

Many women continued with their relaxer services in spite of the natural hair movement.  The key was staying away from the hot irons and flat irons.  So if you are natural, then those hot irons and flat irons can eventually lead to breakage and shedding.  The key is less heat with or without the chemical.  It is that simple.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Sisterlocks Six years one month Anniversary: Imagination

Cheers to Six years and one month Sisterlocks Anniversary!

I was feeling like I could be a James Bond 007 Movie Beauty!

I was channeling Cardi B for loc styling.

I was channeling Janelle Monae for loc styling.

Loc Styling:  Use your imagination.  There are almost no limits!

Want thicker hair? Check out these Don'ts!

2019 Picture Update

I am constantly being asked about making hair thicker.  In previous articles that I posted on this blog, I mentioned consuming Matcha Green Tea for nutritional value as well as allowing the scalp, a living organ, to breathe.

So how about the Don'ts that I feel may be causing some thinning:

  • The Ponytail
  • The Crochet Braiding Hair
  • The Protective Styling (Wigs and Weaves)

The Ponytail

So you have formed that perfect Ponytail that has been preserved for a week or more -  Then when I finally undo that ponytail holder, sometimes an odor permeates with the ponytail release.  This means the ponytail looked cute, but your scalp could not breathe.  Therefore long term suffocating the scalp is going to cause thinning.  Loose ponytails or Loose updos may not look polished, but they are healthier.

The Crochet Braiding Hair

I love the Crochet Braiding services, but most of the hair is not human and does not allow a lot of air to get through to the scalp.  It can be very hot. Less hair installed is better than a thick head of hair.  8inch human crochet hair is now available for those allergic to the other blends out there.  Consider mohawk and short styles.

Protective Styling
Wigs or Weaves, if you can not get to your scalp, then air may not be able to get to it.  This restriction can cause thinning.  So rethink your breathability versus the style.  Maybe consider more special occasion wig/weave wearing.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Six years Sisterlocks Anniversary

July 2018 marks six years Sisterlocks loc-versary!

I have enough length now that I could try loc petals or any other mock- short loc styling. My length frames my face.  It is no longer at an in-between stage.  I consider them long Sisterlocks now. I do see more gray hair coming in, but I am not planning to use any permanent haircolor.  I just don't want to compromise my hair integrity. So we will see how my "wisdom strands" arrive!

I am still loving my gray outfits, and I am still embracing a cleaner eating lifestyle.

I still use Herbalife collagen beauty booster in my daily tea cocktail.  It's anti-aging, and it works!

When it is time for a shampoo, I have been using hydration sprays and hairsprays for shine and hold.

Can you believe it has been six years? My locs are light and fluffy when they are clean.  I can not imagine having loc extensions added onto Sisterlocks.  I would think that those who start with loc extensions will eventually trim away the added hair gradually as one's natural length gains.  The goal is to prevent the hair from feeling heavy. Commercial hair usually carries some added weight.

Thanks for your continued support through my loc journey!  I will try to post a few more hair product discoveries and other non-loc related topics in the near future. I want everyone to find solutions unique to themselves.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Sisterlocks Anniversary: Five years and Eleven Months

Trevor Jackson from "SuperFly" movie (2018) at BET Awards 2018 along me dreaming.

Yes, five years and eleven months ago, I got my Sisterlocks established.  The loc Journey was my best fit for my hair and my lifestyle.

Yeah, my Sisterlocks are have their "hang time" in the back.  

They are actually long enough to tie the start of a shoestring for a partial up do.  I keep sitting on them as far as my back goes when I am seated. I am trying not to stress them.

I still like my locs down versus updos.

I really need to shampoo at least once a month. When my locs are clean and lightweight, they naturally bend with my head.  My weekly workouts and the summer heat makes me second guess shampooing, but I think my Sisterlocks really don't look as healthy when they get too sweaty and heavy.  Just food for thought.  I am a continuously tightening up the roots every week.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Hair Industry is Cycling Back to its Roots!

Weave/Wig  versus 
Silver hair
a Mohawk
all rolled into one.

I used to think that my brilliant mind was enough to attract any man that I wanted.  However, a woman' hair alone can drive men wild.  Enhanced or not, biblically speaking, the hair is a woman's glory.  So why am I seeing so many Black Panther Wakanda haircuts? There are so many short afros, fades, and almost baldheaded women around every corner.  I respect the independent, bold thinking, but please make sure that your body is right and tight.  

Men keep saying that they don't want to feel like they are sleeping with another man.

On a separate note, the cost of living is now where two incomes are needed. Women need hairstyles that they can maintain despite the weather changes. Most women are now working women. Protective styling can be the easiest way to look polished without the daily grind of hairstyling. So men need to support their working ladies because 2018 is a balancing act!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Sisterlocks Anniversary: Five years and ten months

Yes, It is my five years and ten months Sisterlocks Anniversary!

Longer Length and Lean-er Body!

Memorial Day 2018  Fun!

The need for Titanium plate flat irons

Three flat irons with different plates:  Ceramic, Titanium, and Porcelain.

I just added the titanium plated flat iron for coaser and resistant hair. With so many people receiving smoothing treatments, flat irons are required to prevent stripping the smoothing treatment from the hair.

Hair with a lot of shrinkage benefits from the heat stability of the titanium plates 
even without the smoothing treatment.

(Full transformation on Instagram.)

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Hair Thickening Solutions to Consider

Matcha Ceremonial Grade Green Tea

Like many women, my crown of my head has been tempermental.  Relaxers, aging, overtightening of my locs have all contributed to some thinning over the decades.  However, I have great news!!!!

I added some Matcha Ceremonial Grade Green Tea to my Herbalife non-GM Chai tea and noticed hair thickening in my crown area. I also added Artichoke tea and Oolong tea to my daily regimen.  I consume the Herbalife tea cocktail in the morning.  The Artichoke tea in the midday.  The Oolong tea before bedtime.  I have done this for a month, and my scalp does not get "sticky" in that crown area anymore.  It looks thicker too!

According to my research, the green tea fights that DHT hormone that causes hair loss. I plan to stick with my teas.  It forces extra water consumption because it is literally steeping tea bags for the Artichoke tea and Oolong tea.

I have to mix the Ceremonial Grade Green tea in my Herbalife shaker bottle.  It tastes like "grass" unless I add it to my HerbaLife custom cocktail.

You can order the HerbaLife Non-GM Chai tea from my website at
You can order the Matcha Green tea from

Please get medical advice if you are already on other medications before adding herbal teas.  Men you can drink the tea too!

Artichoke tea, Oolong tea, Soursop tea and other teas can all be ordered from the Zuleana website.

Free registration is required for my HerbaLife website.  It allows me to followup with you!

My Herbalife chai tea and green tea cocktail
(along with Herbalife probiotics, collagen beauty booster, peach mango beverage mix, and cranberry aloe concentrate)

Self Commitment to Finding your Best you!

Around every corner,
 I see teeny weeny afro's.
 I see ponytails. 
 I see wash and go's. 
I see braid extensions.
 I see wigs. 

On the Internet, I see women with natural hair underneath wigs with all of their hairline balding from the wig adhesive.

This is craziness.

I have no idea what the single men are thinking about all this natural hair.  As for the married men, we all know it is cheaper to keep her.

I only have one thing to say to women- 
find your best you. 

It may be years of trial and error but find your best you! You owe it to yourself. If you have not changed anything within the last ten years about your hair, you need to ask for a plan to make a change.  Haircolor? Haircut? Crochet Braids?  Relaxer?

Keep in mind your lifestyle and the upkeep required.  Do not make an impulse decision.  You should consider at least two different hair directions and plan for the BEST one.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Sisterlocks Anniversary: 5 years and 9 months

My courtroom look!  I had to sue someone again.

It's my five years and nine months Sisterlocks anniversary!

Everyone keeps commenting that my Sisterlocks are getting long.  This is the first time that the length shown in the picture surprised me.  My locs are getting long.

Dressy casual for Easter!

Notice the name!  I wasn't going to miss this movie (Blockers).  I wore my Magid "paper" hat.

Happy Easter 2018 "I'm a Hunnie Bunny!"

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Sisterlocks Anniversary: Five years and Eight months

Partial updo and my Herbalife groceries!

The Herbalife nutrition products provides my body (and hair) with multi-vitamins!  It is Five years and eight months now from my Sisterlocks establishment. Parting my hair across both shoulders is getting easier to keep my locs framing my face.

I set my Sisterlocks withOUT pipe cleaners. I was inspired by "Black Panther" Wakanda knots!

I was past due for a shampoo and "reset," but I don't think that I ever have a "bad loc day" anymore.

Cold in the Springtime in North Carolina, but My Sisterlocks had a fresh shampoo and set!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Five years and seven months Sisterlocks Anniversary

I am very late with this anniversary post.  Life has been throwing some curveballs at me.  I've had to batter up! I am wearing some vintage WilliWear and some new Torrid Fashion. This was my Superbowl 2018 outfit.

Five years 7 months Sisterlocks Anniversary.  Waist level by year end is my forecast.

Working out once a week in bootcamp mode.  I am still losing mostly inches.

Red, Black and White is one of my favorite color schemes!
(Guess Italy High Heel Shoes)

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Loc Nation Continues in Marvel's Black Panther Movie

Collage: "African Venus" 1851 sculpture by Charles Henri Joseph Cordier 
to the left of my center picture. 
To the right, Angela Bassett as a fictional Marvel Comic's Wakandan queen in "Black Panther" movie (2018)

110 pre-made Locs were used to make the white dreadlock wig according to Pop sugar article:

I prayed to God for a vision for my hair after my frustratration over how to control it was at an all time high. The vision in 2012 was revealed as "small twisted hair all over my head."  As I began to research this concept, I quickly discovered that others had already had the same vision.  As a beauty professional who was new to the locking process, I selected Sisterlocks because it was trademarked and seemed to be a structured organization.  I have been a locked natural since then (2012).

Now, regarding the movie itself, The "Black Panther" movie title stimulated many plot ideas.

  1. The Black Panther Movement
  2. A Black Superhero who saves the World from the Bad guys 
  3. The original Comic Book storyline from the 1960's

Acrylic painting by Benita Blocker for Black Panther Fan Art Challenge.

I thought that the plot was option number 2:  Another Superhero to save the World.  Imagine that: A Black Superhero saving the World from destuction. However, wrong answer.

Plot option 3 is the storyline of this 2018 movie. I was disappointed at first, but I learned to appreciate it for what it was: tribal warfare and a fight for the throne. I saw it twice in two days. It was fast paced and entertaining.  You will have to judge for yourself by seeing it! If you are a Marvel Comic fan and know the Black Panther storyline, then you are set to enjoy it!

Now, to share more insights on the movie.  I have a guest writer Natiya Bennett to explain:

 . . .  (I usual see multiple perspectives as I was a media student, but from our culture as well). I saw it as a community fighting to maintain its own identity and hidding its resources. Keeping in mind how many of our communities are being lost to regentrification once the white people see our treasure. They want it and misuse it but don't want to be us. Then what they was after ends up lost. They usually destroy us. So there was that conflict of part of the culture holding on to doing the tradition and staying in the safe zone vs. the other part of our community who wants to see a change and intergrate. Also in the end I saw the subtle message that we need to buy back our neighborhoods and invest in ourselves. So yes on the surface it was just a movie from someones childhood.  The middle layer was the typical presentation of us in media, and on the top layer was the subliminal consciousness message. The amount experiences and knowledge one has determines which of those layers one sees. In essence we are all right in our opinions. Personally my only critique of this film is the graphics seemed to be in slow motion such as the fight scenes and car chases. ~Natiya Bennett

Many people selected to dress in African inspired attire or some positive "Black Excellence" message.  However, I rushed out on Thursday night in my dressy casual clothes, but opted for my sorority paraphernalia and "My Black is Beautiful T-shirt" for my second viewing.  So it is all good!  The movie is breaking box office records. Check it out and judge for yourself!