Phenomenal . . .

Phenomenal . . .
Life, Growth, and Connection (This sunflower was nourished by my hands.) 2010; Photography by Benita Blocker. Please become a follower of this blog.

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Full Wigs with Monofilament

A monofilament gives the illusion of a scalp and gives natural volume and lift to your final look. Wigs with a monofilament should have a circular inset. The monofilament can be various sizes.

In the picture attached here, the wig is synthetic with a monofilament in the bang and front area. I started cutting out the combs from my old half wigs, and I actually sewed the comb band into this full wig. I like the monofilament look plus the comb band to keep it from moving on my head!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Wigs inspired by Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj

I just saw these wigs in the Aldo Accessories store in Northlake Mall. $25 and only a few left!!! You can look like recording artists Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj in an instant! Talking about impulse buy! Just having a little fun! LOL!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Color Bath: Benita Blocker's version

Hair by Benita Blocker. As promised, pictured is my previously highlighted client with my version of the "new" color bath. I used Nairobi semi-permanent cocktail of Sierra Brown and Mahogany layered on top of my favorite moisturizing conditioner at this time. Heat processing was about 30 minutes.

The color rinsed out very easily and seemed to close the hair cuticle in order to give it a smoother finish. I used an all boar bristle round brush to distribute the hair's natural shine after rough drying it 70% dry.

The client had a lot of volume and movement in the hair. It was "blow in the wind" movement without being "blowing away in the wind." It was a healthy, weightless finish in which my client was very pleased with.

I also performed my version of the "natural black" color bath on a second client on the same work day. The final finish was phenomenal.

The clients are loving the new 2012 options, and I am too!

NOTE: I will try to add more pictures to this article as I can. All clients are receiving the traditional stove and marcel services. No flat irons.

February 4, 2012: Hair by Benita Blocker. I completed another color bath using the Nairobi Marigold semi-permanent color and the traditional stove and marcel. Marigold is "yellow-gold."

Also, the color baths should not be used to make damaged hair look healthier. The color baths are designed to enhance already healthy hair. So doing a color bath on dry, brittle hair can lock out moisture. The hair needs to be moisturized and healthy before sealing it with the direct dye from the color bath.

February 22, 2012:
Nairobi "pure black" semi-permanent color was used on my client with the black hair. It is a nice, natural, shiny black. Not jet black. Client had a wine colored permanent haircolor applied at home prior to getting the pure black color bath. I still do not recommend relaxer and permanent color with coarse, overcurly hair.

We will continue with moisturizing conditioners in order to keep the hair soft. My main goal is to showcase the true color of the "pure black" color.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Shedding: Long hair strand loss

So you are experiencing shedding? In the fall, some shedding is to be expected. Also, one can shed 100 strands or more a day.

So what to do if you feel that the shedding or long hair strand loss is abnormal?

According to Design Essentials, their Stimulations Super Moisturizing conditioner can help stop the shedding. I believe the scalp tingling from this product goes a long way with deeper penetration into the scalp.

Essations has a moisturizing tea tree maintenance line as well. The conditioner/conditioning is more important than the shampoo. Any clients nervous about abnormal shedding can definitely benefit from this treatment.

Michigan Hair Stylist: Rob Willis International

I first met Rob Willis about five years ago at a hair show in Orlando, FL. I bought his "Refresh your color skills" dvd and a flat iron holder for the belt. As my followers know, I no longer endorse the flat irons. I have seen too much damaged hair everywhere I go.

But enough about flat irons! The DVD was an excellent buy! Rob Willis is indeed a visionary. He is a "thinking" hair stylist. He is definitely an educator and a colorist.

The funny thing about DVD's is that sometimes you buy them, and you are not ready to receive all the valuable information disclosed in it. However, years or more later, reviewing old DVD's again can be a breath of "fresh air" without travelling great distances to a class.

So four years later, I am reviewing Rob Willis' color Refresh DVD when he gave the coffee pot example about hair being transparent. I had always heard this but never truly grasped the visual.

So Rob describes in this dvd a clear coffee pot full of coffee. So you would see "brown" coffee but if you decide to pour out the brown coffee and put pink kool-aid in the coffeepot. You will probably then see pink kool-aid. Now if you want to change the color of the clear coffeepot again, then you would need to remove the koolaid in order to put another "flavor" or color into the coffee pot.

So everytime you need to change the color, then bleach/lightener or artificial pigment remover is needed in order to "empty" the pot in preparation to fill the pot with another color. This analogy to hair was right on time for me!

In addition to the coffeepot example, Rob Willis kept it real about the state of our beauty industry. He really stayed leading edge!

The other important topic on his DVD was about the "color bath." The color bath was essentially sealing the hair with semi-permanent color or "cellophane" color. I have actual done more color baths layered on top of conditioners lately, and I obtained wonderful results. This was one of my reasons for reviewing this DVD again.

The "color bath" idea had been embedded in my memory from the first time that I reviewed the dvd years ago. It did not seem healthy then because I was thinking that the color baths sealed out moisture. Our hair needs moisture. However, if you layer the color on top of a moisturizing condiitoner such as KeraCare Humecto, then the result are phenomenal with moisture sealed in.

The "color baths" can take your finished look to the next six figure income level.

Give me some time . . . I will be asking my clients for pictures again over the next few weeks.

In the meantime, the pictures of the flat iron holder distributed by Rob Willis International a few years ago.  It is designed to be worn on your belt.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

DVD Review: Fire and Ice Volume 3 by Stars Weaving and Replacements

First of all, the model in this dvd has type 3c to type 4a hair. The model is overcurly, but her curl pattern reminds me of a texturized 4c curl pattern. So the model is kinky, but not overly kinky.

Now, that we have this information out of the way, "Fire and Ice: The Transformation of Natural Tresses Volume 3 featuring Tajuana A. Hughes" dvd was overall a good investment. However, it is not the answer for those trying to straighten virgin type 4c curl patterns.

It was a good refresh on using the hair steamer as well as pressing/silkening of the hair as a separate step from curling/styling of the hair.

I am no longer a fan of the flat irons so the use of the flat irons through the silkening phase as well as the styling phase was overkill for me.

As for as the blow-dry phase, it was a good instructional video on using the Denman brush.

So overall, "Fire and Ice Vol. 3" was a great video and worth my investment.

Kimble HairCare by Kimberly Kimble

This picture of Kimble Haircare was taken in SuperTarget store in April 2011. According to the CurlyNikki forum, the Bounce Back Curl Revitalizer delivers soft, second day hair. Many natural women seem to love this Curl Revitalizer; however, they also said that the Brazilian Nut and Acai Berry shampoo and conditioner did not meet their needs. Most said they returned the shampoo and conditioner back to the store.

As you know, Kimberly Kimble has been linked to celebrities/stars such as Beyonce. I visited the Kimble haircare website today, and I did not see the Brazilian nut and Acai Berry line under the product listing. I may have missed it.

I personally had a client allergic to the acai berry that was in the "Brazilian Blowout Acai" maintenance line so I was not going to chance experimenting with anymore haircare products with acai berry.

Kimberly Kimble also offers hairstyling tools. During a past hair show, I purchased a Denman brush and a hairstyling toolbelt. I love them both.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Relaxer Review: Affirm Normal with Argan Oil

It had been five weeks since I had another stylist to perform my relaxer touch-up. The afro forming in the back of my head was screaming for help! So I skipped the entire front of my head and only relaxed the back. In the picture included here, I wanted to show my length in the front.

I self-relaxed the back of my head from ear to ear below the occipital bone. Apparently, even the other hairstylist was not able to get it any straighter than what I was able to do on my own. Therefore, I took the opportunity to try out the new Affirm relaxer on the back part of my hair. I know - I have so many brands of relaxers that I have been experimenting with. I keep trimming the back away in search of stabilizing it. I am thinking that all of that Chi Super relaxer (mistake) is cut away by now.

Anyway, the new Affirm relaxer is much, much more tolerable than its old formula. The Argan oil, Pequi Oil, and the Cupuacu butter were added to the Normal strength relaxer. As far as straightness goes, nothing has beat my "True Indulgence" relaxer.

With type 4c hair, I am finding that if the hair is too underprocessed then it leads to dryness and frizz making it more prone to break. If type 4c hair is processed to a point that it holds straight, then it is much easier to gain length. The front of my head is less maintenance because it is straighter. Don't get me wrong, I still like body too! So finding that balance is important.

I will probably stick with a mild True Indulgence for the front half of my head, and Regular strength True Indulgence for the back half in the future.

It is good to still have the Affirm normal strength relaxer as a salon service option. I have a much better idea of its straightening power now that I have used it on myself. Type 3 and 4a curl patterns should find this relaxer to be sufficient.

Sun Protection: Black wins over White

This was an accidental discovery, but quite profound. Please allow me to describe the scenario leading to the determination that the color black protects better than the color white.

Examine the picture of the pink paper in the picture. The original color of the paper was the deeper pink color. In the left bottom corner of the picture is a set of Pureology Hydrate haircare samples which preserved the original color of the paper within a rectangular block. Then in the right upper corner of the paper, you should be able to see the Applebaum logo slightly burnt into the paper. The "white skyline" is faded within the "apple" outline. This paper was inside the Applebaum Salon bag which had full sun exposure near a window for at least 3 months or more.

As you switch back and forth from the Applebaum logo picture and the pink paper picture, can you see that the "black" part of the "Applebaum logo" preserved the original pink color of the paper? And the "white" skyline of the "Applebaum logo" faded.

After this amazing discovery, I researched sun protection as it related to clothing. I found one article that mentioned some countries wear dark loose clothing which absorbs heat and protects the skin; however, they keep the dark clothing at a distance from the skin in order to keep cool because the dark clothing gets hot. So dark clothes get hot because it absorbs heat, but apparently the heat that it absorbs is protecting you from dangerous sun rays even if you are burning up temperature-wise. Wow!

Now, how does this discovery relate to hair color? Dark hair may protect the scalp better than light color hair? I don't know. This is just a theory.

The proof is definite. The color Black protects better than the color white in regards to the sun rays. This plastic and paper example is proof. It is up to you to decide how to use this information.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Perfecting the Roller Set: The Hump is Key!

The key to perfecting a roller set so that your styling is easy is getting the "hump" right. The first roller placed in the hair needs to be perfectly placed at the peak of the head to drape over the dropoff of the center of the head. Then place all the other rollers around it.

How do you find the right place for the hump? Attached are three pictures. Notice the flatness of the head in one picture? A book could lay on top of it. In another picture, I show the perpendicular dropoff with my hand. The roller is placed overdirected from its base to allow for maximum lift.

Study the three pictures here and practice your placement of the first roller until you get it right. Every head is different so you have to find the perfect "hump" placement customized for each roller set client.

The roller set method described here is for clients who desire to wear their hair in curls or a "dooby." If you are doing a blow-out for a straight look, then roller placement is different.

DVD Review: 5 Star Chick by Hair Religion

Okay, I know that your first thoughts are "What the hell?", Who is going to wear that style to work?, What possessed you to buy that urban mohawk DVD?

Well, the reason that I purchased this DVD was because I was amazed at how the hair had so much lift in the top to be a 27 piece, full head quickweave. Although, I do not have any clients that would sport this urban look. The lift and volume of it can be incorporated into other more conservative hairstyles.

I was very pleased with this DVD. The artist on the actual dvd was "Thikk Nikk" although another artist name was on the DVD cover pictured.

Thikk Nikk showed a much faster way to apply the 27 piece quickweave. She put the "quick" into "quickweave." One key was to pre-apply glue to long weft lengths and learn how to hold and cut the hair without having to apply anymore glue until you pick up your next bundle of wefted hair. This method saves a lot of time versus cut, glue, apply, cut, glue, apply. So just glue, cut, apply, cut, apply, cut, apply. So you eliminate picking up the glue so much. This may not be a big deal to some people, but time is money. This DVD helps save you some time.

The volume created in the top was done with thin wefts or split wefts and no gaps!

Anyway, this DVD was well worth my money!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hair Combs: Missing Teeth?

Only one of these hair combs is missing teeth. Can you tell which one? The rattail comb on the bottom is missing a tooth or two in the center. The primary cause of a comb to lose teeth is when it is repeatedly being soaked too long in the disinfectant solution.

Now, the high-end carbon comb with the "parting" tooth is intentionally built this way. The parting tooth can be used like the rattail comb to part the hair.

I was inspired to write this article because I remember a client complaining that another hairstylist that she had gone to did not have all the teeth in her comb. Smile. In all honesty, I think that the client saw the "fancy comb" with the parting tooth and assumed that it was missing teeth.

Anyway, hairstylists, if a comb is truly missing teeth and you know that it is snagging the hair, then please trash the comb. Hairstylists with corporate clients should be aware of the quality of their styling tools. Carbon combs are typically ionic and durable. They assist in a better thermal finish.

Discount hairstylists should be aware of their styling tools as well, but the carbon comb with the parting tooth costs at least four times the cost of the cheap rattail comb pictured. If a hairstylist is charging discounted pricing, then they can not afford to spend extra money on combs that may walk off with another hairstylist in the salon.

If a hairstylist is charging top dollar for their services in their area, then they need to spend more on their tools.

DVD Review: Breaking the Mold by Freddie J

Hair artist Freddie J was featured in Chris Rock's Good Hair movie as one of the contenders for the Bronner Brothers Hair Battle title. She is an industry leader as far as the beauty industry is concerned.

I loved this dvd on how to mold/wrap the hair to achieve a "fresh" style without combing into the typical circular wrap around the head. This "new" wet wrap method delivers a "soft, corporate" mohawk effect. Very nice.

However, the downside to this video is that all three models featured have the exact same headshape. All three models have a high occipital bone and a deep inset in the nape area. Their headshapes are perfect for sporting a short cut.

However, for a client with a flatter head and less nape area, this "fresh" wrap method would not give you the same result. Actually, it would be a waste of time to attempt this mold.

So your client's headshape is a factor in how you conform a haircut as well as how many options you have to wet wrapping it.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Product Review: Wave-O-net

In a previous article I talked about hair nets. This Wave-O-net is a thicker hair net. It is more visible than the regular hair nets, but it seems to stay on my head better at night. Also, it is much easier to keep up with.

I purchased this net at my local Sallys Beauty Supply.

Protective Styling Rules

Okay, here are my rules for protective styling:

1) Human hair wigs should not weigh more than 4 oz (four ounces).
2) Synthetic wigs should not weigh more than 4.75 oz (under five ounces).
3) Use a food scale to weigh the wig or protective styling unit that you are planning to wear. If it is too heavy, then thin it out using texturizing shears. Make sure that you thin the wig out evenly. You do need to keep the original style.
4) Always keep your hairline breatheable. The bang area of this half wig is my own actual hair blended with the wig.
5) If you are relying on the combs inside of the wig, then please make sure that you braid at least two rows of your hair to anchor the combs through.
6) Support the wig base as you are styling it. You do not want to stress your own hair.
7) Look for monofilament in the top of the wig to give you a natural scalp look.
8) Learn your headshape. Everyone's head is not ideal for a lace front wig. Please see my separate article on ideal headshape for wigs. Katy Perry and Nikki Minaj have a great headshapes for wigs. Jennifer Hudson does not have an ideal headshape for lacefront wigs. (Just my opinion - Love you anyway Jennifer!)
9) Protective styling makes more sense in the winter months when you need more head coverings anyway.
10) Please moisturize and care for your hair every night and morning. You may need to rebraid your hair every other day to make sure the braid is strong enough to anchor the comb attachment in the wig.
11) Don't sleep in the wig if you can help it.
12) Stick with colors that match your natural haircolor.
13) Keep up your relaxer touch-ups to avoid breakage for those with kinkier hair. You can push your touch-ups out a few extra weeks.
14) After 16 months, you should be able to let the protective styling go!

Clip in Bang Extension Unit

Most of your hair style and sophistication comes from your top center of your head. Adding a lightweight clip-in bang unit can add pizazz to your image.

I picked this "Bang thing" up from the local Sally's Beauty Supply.

They do not recommend sleeping in the unit because it has metal comb clips in them. They do not recommend coloring them either. The price for this one unit was regularly around $12. I bought this one at a reduced price of $7.

This unit was already cut and ready to clip in. As long as you got your placement in a natural position, the unit hung nicely with minimal effort.

With it sitting on top of your head it doesn't stress your existing hair. When you bend your head down make sure the three clips inside are holding firmly onto your existing hair. We want the hair on the unit to move, but we do not want the unit to fall off nor fall off taking some of your hair with it.

The bang unit is most ideal for people who have good length in the top center of their head, but they want more thickness. You should have enough hair to comb over the unit and use a little hairspray if you need help keeping your hair covering the root of the unit.

Luckily, the hair on this unit was yaky human hair which matched my kinky texture. If you want to curl the unit, they recommend curling it when it is not attached to your hair.

This unit may become discontinued because at $12, some people may feel that they can get a whole pack of discounted weft hair and quickweave this look into their own hair. My argument with this is that this bang unit is quick, less messy, already cut into a layered cut, and the clips are already strategically placed for easy on and easy off. You are paying extra money for the "technology" built into the unit.

I also understand that with the economy being really bad; $12 can be a lot of money for this "little piece of hair." Isn't it wonderful to have options!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

DVD Review: Paul Mitchell Texture

I have so much to say that I do not know where to begin. Okay. First of all, the Black female demonstration model has closer to Type 3 curl pattern by my visual definition. Now remember all the articles that I have written in the past couple of months? Type 3 curl pattern can withstand more abuse than Type 4 curl pattern. So with that said, let me tell you, this Black model received the Paul Mitchell Regular relaxer along with the PM Shines demi-permanent color service followed by a round-brush blow-dry service followed by a Paul Mitchell flat iron service all in one salon visit. Hello! Relaxer plus "color with peroxide" plus aggressive blowdry plus flat iron . . . . now, you know . . . the model's hair looks great on this advertisement, but the styling team was going for style more than healthy hair.

If this model had type 4 curl pattern, her hair would not have had that much body. Also, the hair would be shedding and breaking from intensity of the chemicals and heat. Please see my other article on demi-permanent color rules for type 4 curl patterns.

Other DVD details include: PM Shines is a demi-permanent color that has to be mixed. Also, the round brush that was used was aluminum one similar to the one pictured in this article. They used Paul Mitchell Extra Strong leave-in treatment and "Super Sculpt" styling lotion aid in the round brush blow-dry. The handheld dryer and flat iron were both Paul Mitchell ProTools.

I have watched this DVD many times over the years, and it is only recently with my new vision that I really see how Black hairstylists are being mislead.

Paul Mitchell is a well respected name for professional haircare. It is scary to realize that the steps to create beautiful Black hair for one Black woman may be detrimental to the next Black woman. Good Hairstylists just want to do well. How do you filter through the good and the bad? Smile. Follow my blog. Smile.

My opinion of this DVD on Paul Mitchell Texture: Get this DVD just to check it out for yourself - I do not agree with everything in this DVD - but there is always some good information along with the bad in the "bigger picture." Happy New Year!

What about the Wave Nouveau?

As you may guess, there are a lot of people transitioning out of chemicals and transitioning into chemicals. So what about the Wave Nouveau by Soft Sheen Carson? It is a "thio" soft curl procedure that is not compatible with relaxer services. One would have to choose between one or the other. So if you have virgin hair, then you could 1) lock it 2) relax it 3) "soft curl" process it or 4) continue the natural journey.

I decided to revisit the thought of a Wave Nouveau because I remember how beautiful another friend-girl hair was with the Wave Nouveau. It was long, wavy, and thick looking. I called her up to talk to her about when she used to have the Wave Nouveau, and I realized that her curl pattern is looser than mine. She is wearing her hair natural now and loves the low maintenance of it.

I even went to our local beauty supply store (Sally's Beauty Supply) and checked out the Wave Nouveau line. It had the typical 3 piece "soft curl" components: 1) thio relaxer 2) processing lotion and 3) neutralizing lotion. All the "soft curls" name their components different names such as "shape release" or "re-arranger."

I read reviews on the Wave Nouveau product. I think that for the kinkier hair people; the "shape releaser" may cause scalp sensitivity and may take longer to soften coarser hair. Therefore by the time you complete the whole Wave Nouveau process, kinkier hair will have processed much longer than someone with a type 3 curl pattern. So type 4 curl patterns may find their hair to be prone to dryness, frizz, and tangling.

Oh well, scratch that option for type 4 overcurly hair! It was just a thought . . .

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Product review: AG Sterling Silver toning Conditioner

Got Grey/Gray hair? and you get relaxer service? Does your gray turn yellowish? You want a safe way to get the gray back silver on relaxer day?

Well, the AG Sterling Silver toning conditioner is blue/violet and delivers that "silver fox" look safely on relaxer day. How?

What has worked for my clients is this: Neutralize as you normally would and layer this AG toning conditioner in with your final conditioner.

For example: After your three Mizani neutralizing shampoos, rinse, and apply Mizani Moistufuse generously throughout the hair. Then go back immediately and layer the AG Sterling Silver through the hair. I do not recommend heat. Room temperature for 10 minutes should be good. Rinse and you should see a beautiful pearlized silver.

Careful, if the client does not have a lot of yellow tinting going on, then go easy on the AG Conditioner. You do not want the client to go too blue nor too purple.

I have not tried adding heat to the process, but room temperature is adequate enough to make this rich conditioner work.

Boar Round Brushes: Marilyn versus Monroe

The Marilyn brand of boar round brushes boasts of being the first on the market with the hourglass design. The Monroe brand probably came second. It is hard for me to tell the difference between the two. I have not really used either brand excessively. Right now, my larger boar bristle brushes are Monroe brand. My smaller boar bristle brushes are Marilyn.

The hourglass design is supposed to give you a good hold on the 70% dry hair without having to wind the brush. Supposedly, it cuts down on carpel tunnel and/or repetitive motion.

I will have to keep you posted if I figure out a difference between the two brands besides their names.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Goldwell Colorance Formula update 2012

Goldwell Colorance line used to have a regular lotion and an intensive lotion. The intensive lotion was to be treated as if it was a permanent color. The regular lotion used to be called "semi-permanent" because it was a mild lotion; however, because there is hydrogen peroxide in the lotion, it really has always been a demi-permanent color.

Now, the new formulas of the Goldwell Colorance line has "Intralipids" to assist in hair repair. They all have "Demi-permanent" listed on them. This cuts down on the confusion. Semi-permanent haircolor should not have any mixing at all.

Katy Perry in Pink Hair

This picture is from the cover of Instyle magazine October 2011 edition. Katy Perry has been in the news recently because she and Russell Brand reportedly are having marital challenges. Wishing them the best!

So what about that gorgeous pink hair???? Judging from the pictures and what I know about hair, I believe that Katy is wearing a high-end lace wig. For the hair to be that full, thick, and strong looking, I think that Katy's real hair is stuffed under a wig. The pink hair is still simply gorgeous on her!

New Hair Career: Dog grooming

Is it me or is there a pet care place on every corner? From Doggie Day Care to an Animal Hospital to a Pet Grooming facility. According to my research, pet care related products and services are definitely a billion dollar industry at a mininum.

I remember meeting another hairstylist at the mall and asked her where did she work. She smiled and said "she gave up on servicing people." She is a dog groomer now; however, she keeps up her state hair licensing.

I am scared of pets so this field would not be an option for me at this time, but with so much money in the pet care industry, it is worth some thought!

Open Floor Plan versus Closed Floor Plan

Take a walk with me down memory lane: I remember being serviced in a mall salon for a "press and curl service" . . . I remember the salon being an "open floor plan." I remember my blow-dry service left me looking like "Don King" before the pressing part of the service began. I remember people walking through the mall passing by the salon only to backtrack to see my hair standing straight up on top of my head. Servicing natural "Black hair" can draw quite a crowd especially in a mall.

For someone like Don King (celebrity promoter pictured here) whose signature look is his hair standing straight up, an "open floor plan" similar to the one pictured here is not a big deal. However, many Black women prefer a more "closed-in booth" away from the public eye.

When choosing a salon layout, remember the privacy of your clientele. Celebrities definitely want more privacy, and every client wants to feel like a celebrity when they leave out the door.

Most salons specializing in quick haircuts will more than likely be an "open floor plan." Salons that offer more chemical services should consider more "closed-in" floor plans with semi-private stations.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hair Extensions gone bad!

Britney Spears cover photo from US Magazine dated November 19, 2007. Kate Gosselin photos are from People magazine dated January 18, 2010.

With Britney's photo, you can see the bonding points where the hair extensions begin. This is out of order!

With Kate's picture, she had too much hair extension length added.

Hair extensions rules of thumb:
1) You should have at least a solid six inches of your own hair to cover bonding points and keep them covered through a strong wind.

2) Your new hair extension length should not be more than double your own hair length.

If the extensions are too heavy, then they will cause too much stress on your existing hair and scalp. Extended wear of heavy extensions can cause temporary hair loss. This means your hair condition can go backwards instead of forward.

Also, hair extensions are easier going in, but the danger zone is at removal time.

The hair needs to be healthy before getting hair extensions in order to survive the removal process.

Also, all the hair extensions should be removed in one setting. You should not have hair extensions of all different starting points because you just keep getting a few strands added here and there. You should get a complete removal every three to four months to see how your hair is doing and get it deep conditioned without the hair extensions.

Hair extensions are easy to get addicted to. If you don't have a couple of thousand dollars a year to spend, then please do not get addicted to them!

After six months to a year and a half, if you have not reached your hair goals in order to go extension-free, then re-evaluate what is going on with your hair!

You may need another game plan.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Loose Lids can cause product spoilage!

I accidently either dropped this jar of Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding and then maybe twisted the top entirely too tight. Regardless, the cracked lid caused this product to change its consistency. The batch code on this jar was GT643B. The lid was able to stay on the jar securely despite the crack, but obviously, there was extra air getting into the jar. Luckily, I had begun using a new jar, but I had this jar stored away to give to someone as a sample if need arose. I began Winter cleaning and came across the jar and of course, I was in shock at the condition of the product inside!

Lesson learned: Keep your products sealed especially the more natural products!

Braids: 1963 Cleopatra Flashback

I captured this picture from People magazine dated April 11, 2011 highlighting Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra. The movie was a Fox studio production from 1963. This hairstyle is more than likely a wig, but the side plaits/braids caught my interest. Realistically, I would think that the gold hair jewelry would be too heavy on the hair, but the overall look is distinguished and a nice touch of texture to what would have been straight black hair.

How to find a Great Hair Clip

When selecting a hair clip, consider the following:

1) lightweight - you want a clip that will not cause stress on your hair from its weight. The green colored hair clip pictured is lightweight plastic, and is lead and nickel-free.
2) a curve fit - you want a curve to align the curvature of your head. Notice the closure is NOT straight but more like a wave?
3) smooth edges - you do not want any rough edges that will snare your hair. Watch out for hinges that may harm your hair.

The green colored hair clip was purchased from a local "Mexican" convenience store for about one dollar. ($1) A great deal and they had the clip in color "Black" as well!

The "Black" jeweled hair clip was purchased from Sallys Beauty Supply. It was about $8.00 US Dollars. The packaging does not mention anything about being free of lead nor nickel. It is relatively lightweight. The black, more elegant hair clip probably should be worn with more corporate, professional attire. Also, longer, coarser hair may be a better fit from a weight perspective.

The green hair clip is the most affordable and the obvious healthier choice.