Phenomenal . . .

Phenomenal . . .
Life, Growth, and Connection (This sunflower was nourished by my hands.) 2010; Photography by Benita Blocker. Please become a follower of this blog.

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Friday, April 24, 2020

Sisterlocks 7yrs 9mos: Mask edition

April 2020 was a "Stay at Home" month. Pandemic 2020. Covid 19 has the world on alert.

Mask fashion has arrived. I was gifted this red face mask. Sisterlocks are excellent for quarantine. My loc-versary is now at 7 years and 9 mos.

Rain or shine - Loc Updo for the Win!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Natural Hair Revitalization: KeraCare Overnight Moisturizing Treatment

I had quite a few loose natural hair clients that swore by this product regardless of their hair texture. Since my Sisterlocks are getting so long, I don't think my super coily hair is staying hydrated on the ends. In addition, I have used some clarifying shampoos that may have dehydrated the ends without me adequately restoring the moisture back in.

In one of my previous articles, I extended my front locs with my own hair. However, I really don't want my hair dry and brittle anyway which is what causes breakage.

So, at night, I started using a quarter size amount emulsified into my hands and massaged through my whole head of locs focusing on the ends. Amazing hydration in the morning without added weight.

Whether locked natural or loose natural, the KeraCare Overnight Moisturizing Treatment is still a winner!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

My 2020 Favorite Loc Palm Roll Gel: S'Curl

The Scurl hair product line has been around for decades. They have expanded their line for Loc care.

This "Twist and Lock" Gel has superior hold and superior shine.

Even on the chunkiest locs, the gel holds the loc tight.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Using Loc Recycling to Extend Loc Lengths

Between ponytail holders and having one's back resting on longer locs, the loc ends will break off. Some people trash their broken loc pieces. I don't. If it is an inch or longer then I collect them in a cosmetic bag.

I recycle my own Sisterlock pieces and decide where to extend my other loc lengths because I never really know where the loc broke off from originally.  In my Sisterlocks training classes, the instructors strongly discouraged extending Sisterlocks. However, since I self maintain my own Sisterlocks, I know how to tighten with added ridges in the  loc. In the picture above, I decided that I wanted to extend my bang area. It is sparse in the chin area. I want to change that.

It's my own hair, and I can do what I want to do with it. 

Boom! More length in my chin area!

That's a solid inch of fullness restored!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Custom Wig making for Loc wearers

Loctician, Master Cosmetologist, Wigmaker

Wig made by Benita Blocker, Loctician

I used a rain bonnet to protect my Sisterlocks from the bonding glue. I have a separate YouTube video uploaded on how to bind locs for a short wig.

A Jumbo wig cap is needed for long locs.

I have a flat head so I formed the perfect head shape with that in mind. Wig cap over rain bonnet is a great protection combination.

Tapering the neck is optional for this wig style.

I decided to keep it "Tina Turner" freestyle.

I hope this article inspires custom Wig making and new hair color ideas.