Phenomenal . . .

Phenomenal . . .
Life, Growth, and Connection (This sunflower was nourished by my hands.) 2010; Photography by Benita Blocker. Please become a follower of this blog.

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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Headstart: Using Water as a Natural Detangler

Pictured above is Frizzy human hair.

When soaking wet, the human hair detangles as bonds are temporary broken.

I learned some things from my clients this week about natural hair.  Keeping a water bottle on hand is the best way to keep naturally resistant hair manageable and free of tangles.  Whether you are rolling it, braiding it, or even blow drying it, every small slice or small section at a time has to stay fully saturated with water in order to maintain control over it.

I always wondered why a blow dry service on resistant hair seemed like it grew more and more difficult as I advanced through the full head.  Literally, it seems crazy and contradictory to keep a water bottle on standby for a blow dry service but if you are blow drying resistant hair, you will have to keep re-wetting each section as you get to it while trying not to re-wet the section of the hair that you have already blown dry.

I will also re-emphasize "towel blotting" enough to keep the floor dry. However, you want a "soaking wet" head as the basis for your natural hair service.  I was amazed at the simplicity of water versus all the other leave-in conditioners on the market.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

New KeraCare Humecto tub packaging is less durable

 You may want to hold on to your old tub of KeraCare Humecto conditioner.  The tub pictured on the left is the old packaging .  It has longer vertical lines running along the opening area versus the shorter vertical lines pictured on the right.  The opening is not a big deal, but look at the picture below.

The old packaging has a  rounded bottom on the left and the new packaging has sharp corners that can cause some discomfort when handling a full tub of conditioner.  Also, even though, you can not see from the pictures that I took, the new packaging is LESS DURABLE.  I could see the shadow of the conditioner inside as I moved it around.  The bottom of the tub also felt like it could barely support the five pounds of product inside.

In a nutshell, if you accidently drop the new packaging of this KeraCare Humecto tub, you probably will have no product to savage because the new packaging does not seem to be built for accidental dropping.

No one plans to drop products or tools, but it can happen.  When holding this new packaging of the KeraCare Humecto, I literally can feel the conditioner in the palm of my hands. The walls of the tub are even thinner in density than the old packaging. I will probably pour the new tub of conditioner into the old tub packaging.  I really do not trust myself to move the new packaging around too much without hurting my hands or dropping it.  Needless to say that I am disappointed in the cheaper quality container that Avlon went to.

Monday, June 23, 2014

One year and Eleven Months Check-in

Another loc-versary!  One year and eleven months.  Almost two years.  My hair is dry in the picture above. I can shake it a little more now that it has even more length on it.

My bob is forming! I am excited! I am plan to stick with the re-twisting method for retightenings indefinitely.

I am also picking up more and more loc clientele for start-up and retightenings. Pardon my cosmetic makeup application because  the summer heat  has been a challenge with sweating.

French lace versus Dutch lace Braiding

 I completed a "Sexy Hair" Braiding class earlier today.  I learned everything from a four strand braid to a two strand fishtail braid.  What I found the most fascinating was the names of the two Lace braiding techniques.  The picture on top is a French Lace braiding where you braid overhanded.  The picture below is a Dutch Lace braiding where you braid underhanded.

Can you tell the difference between the underhanded lace braid and the overhanded lace braid?

Surprisingly, I had a White instructor.  She was pretty seasoned at the various types of braiding.  She also confirmed that braiding is a great heatless way to style hair.  It is also ideal for weddings.  Below are some more pictures from the class.

 Waterfall braid is above.

The four strand braid and the three strand braid both accentuate the fringe and bang areas.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Discontinued Products: Gone but not Forgotten

"Unforgettable . . . that's what they are" in my "Nat King Cole" high pitched voice. If I could put my Applebaum logo on these discontinued products and sell them under my own umbrella, then I would.

I believe price points caused these products to be discontinued.  For example, the jar of luxury Pureology Nanoworks Shineluxe hair polish retailed for about $42 USD.  A little goes a long way.  The jar would last you six months to a year easy depending on how often a week you shampooed.  However, $42 USD for a styling aid for most people is considered a luxury indeed.

Pictured:  Pureology Nanoworks Shineluxe hair polish.  Weightless, but tamed the flyaways on dry hair as a final finish.

I am on my last jar of Pureology Nanoworks Shineluxe.  I am going to miss it.  I have a lead on another product that may deliver similar results, but nothing definite yet.

Other unforgettable products include Sebastian Cellophanes Semi-permanent color in Deep Brunette.  The gray coverage on the same day as the relaxer was absolutely phenomenal.  I still have not found any other color line that works the same way.  Even the Sebastian newer version is not as effective on gray coverage.

I am also on my last bottle of Mizani Cutting Solution as well as Mizani Butter Blend Microfusion Penetrating Conditioning Treatment.  The $12 USD retail price point of the Mizani Cutting Solution was a little steep for an "ethnic" line with the words "cutting" in the title, but it really did have some fantastic ingredients and was well worth the $12 USD as a leave-in conditioner.  I wonder if the parent company L'Oreal would even consider re-naming and re-packaging the formula under a "non-ethnic" product line.  I think it would sell better at that price point.

Also, the Mizani Butter Blend Microfusion Penetrating Conditioning Treatment is irreplaceable.  I believe that many hairstylists did not want to purchase two conditioners for a relaxer system.  So many people missed out on this "jewel" of a conditioner.  I am on my last bottle.  I use it as a part of the conditioning step for my Paul Mitchell relaxer system. I have not found a replacement yet.

I may add other products to this list if they disappear from being offered, and a replacement is no where to be found.  If anyone else finds replacements, then do not keep the "recommendations" all to yourself!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tips from my Wella Color Classes- June 2014

First of all, I told three or four hairstylists about these two local Wella color classes.  None of them showed up.  I value continuing my education.  Every instructor offers different knowledge.  Of course, those of you that follow my blog, learn what I learn.

So the first tip is regarding skin and/or strand testing.  The instructor made two great points about strand testing.

  1. If the client is young and new to haircolor, then there is a chance that they can be allergic to the haircolor.  A skin test may be needed a few days before the color service.
  2. If the client is new and has long hair, then the history of the hair can factor into the results of your color service so it is better to spend an extra 30 minutes watching haircolor process on a "strand test" versus completing the whole head  and encountering uneven color results or breakage.  Correcting uneven results can take you an extra four hours and who wants to overprocess already weak hair?  

The second tip that I want to share with you is in regards to multi-dimensional haircoloring.  I learned a long time ago to use two different color foils, but what "hit home" for me this time was the bending the foil over the rattail comb to show your foil color.  Many times in the past, I would lose focus and would have to flip the foil over to check on the color of the foil because all the foil looks the same on the back side of it.

 By always keeping a glimpse of the foil color, it speeds up the foiling service because it is all color coordinated.  The bend in the foil make the biggest difference in keeping the colorist on track.

The third tip is regarding those measurement lines at the bottom of the haircolor mixing bowls.  The inch lines are for when you need to add extra pigment to a color formula.

One extra ribbon of haircolor per level that you are trying to achieve.  If you are at a 2:1 ratio of developer to color, then I would not worry about adjusting the developer amount, but if you are 1:1, then more developer may need to be added.

This is the first time that any instructor has suggested how to use these lines at the bottom of the bowl.  I will have to further research if each line can be used to equal a specific amount of ounces.

Great tips- right?  I have already been able to put in practice what I learned in the two classes (Fundamental Foiling and Corrective Color).

Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Successful Salon Allows All Performers to Shine

Photo credit:

So Jennifer Hudson, Kelly Clarkson, and Mary J. Blige are on one stage, do you want to see all three battle each other for the spotlight for the most crowd appeal? Or do you want each singer to have their shiny moments and complement each other in a unified effort to entertain?

Seasoned performers learn the meaning of team effort.  Seasoned performers learn when to pull back and when to take the lead.

Many times with booth rental salons, hairstylists seem to be in direct competition all the time.  Friendly competition keeps stylists on the leading edge which is good for everyone - clients and the salon as a whole benefits.

However, aggressive competition where there is derogatory language being uttered secretly about a team member promotes tension, gossip, and an unhealthy work environment.  No one wins.

What lead me to speak about this was that I had been trying to recruit other hairstylists with skill sets separate from my own.  It is okay if some of the skill sets overlap, which is good if I go on vacation, but I am looking for complementary skill sets.  After mentioning my goal to one prospective hairstylist, he seemed surprised at this concept.  After processing this concept for a minute, he thought it was a good idea.  

Of course, I was puzzled because I was thinking that all hairstylists thought the way I was thinking.  However, evidently not.  So why would any hairstylist intentionally go into a salon with the idea that they were going to steal the other clients away from the other stylist(s) and possibly take some of the salon owner's clients as well?

How crazy is that?  That type of mentality is selfish.  As another beauty industry leader, Angel Robinson, mentioned in her speech about team work: "your money does NOT look good in my pocket.  What's for you is for you; what is for me is for me."

I completely feel the same way.  I don't go seeking clients.  I enjoy life and if an opportunity to share my hair services business comes up, then I share it.  I'm a seasoned professional. I do not worry about my clients moving on.  I know the caliber of hairstylists floating around.  I always keep the doors open for people to come and go as they please.  Now, if they want to try other stylists occasionally, I do not have a problem, but eventually, when they want healthy hair and  high-end diversified products used on their hair- then they come back to me.

I have dealt with 20+ hairstylists in ten years.  Those that don't like to take advanced classes and are slow to keep their license renewed are of little use to me.  These type of hairstylists typically "know too much" which is a "dead end mentality" in most industries.

Anyway, I am looking to grow Applebaum Salon initially with some seasoned professionals with certain specialty skill sets and train new stylists to work in my absence. I am team focused.

Product Review: Straight Request Next Level Conditioner

Two words: "Loving it"  The Straight Request Next Level  Conditioner has been awesome for hydration and softness.  Outside of the trigger pump applicator being defective, the conditioner has worked well on my clients with relaxed hair using medium heat for 10 to 15 minutes.  

According to its description, it is a stabilizing Amino Acid Strengthen Conditioner.  It is not a heavy protein so even after 30 minutes, my clients' hair were still soft and manageable.  

The brochure says that it is safe to use the same day as chemicals; however, I have not used it in that capacity.  I have used it on my locs.  It seemed to suds up on my locs, and then calm down after the heat processes it.  This conditioner is designed for natural and relaxed hair.

I was looking for the "Next Level" up from the KeraCare Humecto Conditioner, and Straight Request delivers me the "Next Level" in conditioning for softness and moisture.  No other conditioner is needed behind this one.  So far, it's a keeper!

Friday, June 13, 2014

A Guide to Determine Loc Startup Sizes

Do you remember the rules for roller setting?  The parting sizes should match the diameter of the roller or the rod.

The same principle should apply for locs.  For example, Sisterlocks tm founder Dr. Joann Cornwells' curl pattern is "short and shallow."  "Short" means the diameter of her natural curl patten is probably close to an 1/8 inch.  This is why the Sisterlocks technique that she founded worked so well for her hair type.  Micro sized locs were the best match for her short diameter curl pattern.

So am I saying that people with larger diameter curl patterns should not get Sisterlocks?  NO, that's not what I am saying.  You can squeeze a medium to long diameter curl pattern into a micro sized loc.  It will look a little stringy, but you can adjust your interlocking pattern to allow a little more volume from the curl pattern to shine through.

So what if you have a short curl pattern, and you get large size locs started?  It depends on if you have resistant hair or not.  Resistant hair shrinks, and resistant strands will try to pull away from a loc that is too large for its curl pattern.  For some people, you know how the hair on the edges always tries to pull out of the bigger loc that the loctician is alway trying to pull back into the larger loc around the hairline.

If your natural curl pattern is NOT resistant and does not shrink much, then you can have any size locs you want.  Your hair is pliable or flexible.  "You can have it your way."  A little humor here.

Now, what if you have two different types of curl patterns in your head?  Then you really may consider two different sizes locs for your head.  Obviously, if your two curl patterns that are entirely different, then choose the shortest curl pattern as your guide to loc sizing because the larger curl patterns can go smaller, but not vice versa.

Need a natural hair analysis?  Just schedule a loc consultation with me Master Loctician and Cosmetologist Benita Blocker!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Full Re-twisting Yields new Loc Findings

June 2014 before my Full ReTwisting

June 2013 (one year ago)

June 2014 After Full Retwisting

This retwisting session took the 3+ hours as it has always taken, and after discovering "too many" doubled up locs, I have concluded that I am going to have to continue to take care of my own Sisterlocks.  I had been very lazy with my re-twisting commitment.  It had been FOUR months since I re-twisted my whole head. I know - I am ashamed that I have not touched every loc in one full session for four months.  The break was sooo cool, but vacation is over.  Time to stay in touch with my full head!

But hold up, it had been only two months ago since I had the lady to interlock my whole head, but sadly, I did not check behind her.  It is only now that  I really feel like she doubled up some of my locs without telling me.  It could have been worse, but it was certainly more than I wanted.  Most of the doubles  seem to be located on the side of my head where I have the smaller locs.  Remember my loc sizing is lopsided.  One side has larger locs than the other.

So I will have to plan a better routine for retwisting my locs.  I thought about free-forming, but my roots were looking too unruly.  I am used to the manicured look of the locs, but I know- it is my own complex about my ultra-curly hair.

I also tried the "towel rub" technique to see if I could coil my locks similar to the "NuDred" sponge, but I think my roots were trying to matte together in places preventing any type of twisting until I thoroughly separated each loc.

I really had a lot of separating to do.  I usually finger comb my locs daily but not a lot at the roots because I knew they were past due for some sort of loc maintenance.

Well, I'm done.  I will probably hand-interlock my locs periodically in a dry state in my spare time, but I will have to plan for my own full re-twist at least every six weeks.  I try to shampoo more often and wet set it, but I know shampooing is going to undo the twisting. I will figure out what works for me.  It is the only option that I am comfortable with.

On a more cheerful note,  I see my progress over the last year, and that is something to stay excited about!

Red Carpet Hair: Think Like A Man Too

Photo credit:

Motions Hair was one of the sponsors for the "Think Like A Man Too" Movie  Los Angeles premiere.  I am going to stay in my lane as far as fashion is concerned.  My lips are sealed, but let's talk about hair!

KeKe's hair:  B- (this look could be achieved with some last minute clip-in extensions)
Gabrielle's hair:  B+ (simple and classic "snatch-back")
LaLa's hair:  B+ (simple and casual "snatch-back")
Taraji's hair: C+ (an overall casual bohemian look)

As far as hairstyling is concerned,  this red carpet showcase was not trendsetting, but I am looking forward to the movie!!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Benefits of Well Manicured Locs

Photo credit: (Dutch website)

There are two main benefits of manicured locs:  
1) added strength  
2) wider acceptance.

Added Strength
Have you ever had a cashier fill your thin bag with too many items that the bag handles start to stretch and possibly break by the time you get to the car?

Most of the time, you feel it is too much trouble to go back in and get them to double bag for you; therefore you discover if you tie the bag handles together if seems to add enough strength to hold the bags together without breaking.

There is strength in numbers when things are interwined together.  The same thing applies to locs.  If you roots are too loose, then too much manipulation is stressful to individual hairs.  Twisting or Interlocking are both ways to manicure the locs and deliver the added strength.

Wider Acceptance
Manicured locs like a manicured lawn always reflect pride.

It seems that Corporate America is more accepting of locs in which frizziness and excessive new growth is not noticeable.

The interlocking method completed in 6 to 8 weeks intervals keeps your locs looking manicured longer without having to do anything to them.  However, every two to four weeks is the more ideal timeframe for re-twisting locs in order to keep them manicured looking.

I also found a great headband from the drugstore that works for holding locs as you manicure them.  I also use this headband to sleep in at night. It is perfect for medium length locs.

The headband is by Scunci.  I gather my locs up in the larger pocket area then tie the band in the front of my head. I can actually pull one loc down from the pocket at a time to tighten.
This headband is definitely multi-purpose and allows air flow to the scalp as you sleep through the night.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Response to Fitness Magazine's March 2014 Hot Hair article

 First of all this article was one of the best hair articles that I have ever read in a non-fashion magazine.  It is actually page 35 in the magazine with title "The Seven-Minute Blow-out."  The content comes from Blow dry bar hairstylist Christopher Marrero.  Article written by Molly Ritterbeck.
Step one is Choose the right tool . . . Turbo Power Twin Turbo 2600 Professional hair dryer . . . to rough dry the hair without the concentrator nozzle in order to get the hair 80 percent dry.  Why? Because he says that "one of the biggest mistakes that women make is to use a round brush on sopping wet hair.  It's a time suck because your hair won't hold a shape when saturated with water."

So hold on- I know you "naturally overcurly" ladies already know - if you do not get control over resistant hair while it is sopping wet, then it is all over. However, hair is hair.  It makes you wonder are we ultimately damaging our ultra curly hair by using the aggressive heat straightening procedure?  Is there even a healthy blow-dry procedure for hair that is not naturally straight or naturally wavy?

Because there are probably over 40 different hair types in this world, there is no one procedure that is going to work for all hair types.  I describe the 40 different hair types in a separate article on this blog.

I only use hair dryers with twin turbo engines in my salon because Christopher is right about choosing the right blow-dry tool.  If you want a "Dominican" straight blow-out, then only a hair dryer with a twin turbo motor can produce enough heat to straighten out the kinks. There is a difference, but with that much blow drying heat and power comes greater responsiblity in how you angle the tool to avoid burning the client's scalp.

Overall, I love this article.  For the right hair types, wavy to straight, it is a perfect article.  However, just like my blog, some articles cater more toward one specific hair type versus all hair types.

We write about what we encounter in our practices.  Readers have to absorb what is right for them and let the rest pass on.

This article is just food for thought.  For some resistant, ultra-curly hair, this article may convince some people to re-consider locs for styling control instead of risking the damage of a bad blow-dry process.

Hair Glue versus Eyelash Glue

Apparently, some people have been using regular hair glue for eyelash extensions and have had no problems.  Then some people have gotten a chemical burn /eye injury from the hair glue.  So to resolve this matter, Sassi has come up with an eyelash glue whose packaging reminds me of hair glue.

In regards to the top photo of the child whose hair is perfectly adult styled in what looks like a quickweave,  I am speechless.

Anyway, please use hair glue for your head and eyelash glue for your eyes . . .

Sunday, June 8, 2014

In Case of Rain: What would you do?

Track practice is over. You are the only Black girl with relaxed hair on the team.  Everyone's waiting for their parents to come pick them up so you and your teammates are having "girl talk."  You start to feel raindrops.  Your next hair appointment is a few days away.  You have an umbrella tucked in your backpack.  You feel more and more rain drops, but no one else is attempting to pull out their umbrella. What do you do?

a) Continue to blend in with your teammates by not using your umbrella and not worrying about your hair getting wet.

b) Pull out your umbrella and hope that you do not distract the "conversation" being the only one in the circle holding an umbrella.

c) Pull out your umbrella and hope that some of the other teammates will gather underneath your umbrella as an act of acceptance.

d) Announce that you felt raindrops and see how your teammates respond.  If they blow it off, then you "blow it off."  If they suggest seeking shelter, then follow them to shelter. You just want to fit in.

e) Explain to your classmates that your hair appointment is a few days away, and you have to get your umbrella out.

What's the best way to handle to this situation?  

As more and more parents are sending their children to private schools.  These type of dynamics are being encountered. It is important that parents install confidence in their children's heritage so that even if they are in the minority, they can make informed decisions.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Naturally Straight: Locs versus Loose


These two ladies both represent naturally straight hair because neither have much curl in their hairstyle.

So which one has better hair?

Of course, this is a trick question, but I would be curious to know which picture does a 3 year old girl like best?  Which picture does an 8 year old girl like best? Which picture does a 16 year old girl like best?

We are so conditioned to have a standard in our head.  The standard may change based on the country, the workplace, or cultural exposure.

Over the years, has your perception of what was standard changed?  Mine has.

There is no right nor wrong answer.  Just an expansion of one's mind.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Mid-Year 2014 Hair Quiz

Periodically, I have hair tips that are too short to compose a whole article so it's time for another hair quiz!

See if you know the answers to these questions:

1) Roller set question: Does your hair have to be soaking wet going onto a roller in order to create a smooth roller set?

2) Hair color question: Can semi-permanent squeeze bottle hair color stain the hair permanently?

3) Natural loose hair question: At what phase in a thermal straightening hair service can hair be determined to be resistant or not?

4) Braiding question: Which area of the head can suffer ripping hair from the follicle if locs or hair is overtightened or braided too tightly?

5) Loc question: What is a good checkpoint for making sure a loctician is giving you even parting sizes?

6) Salon question: How do you determine if you have a high quality client draping/capes?

7) Can mildew form within your hair or your locs?

8) How can you tell if your headwrap or headscarf is allowing enough air flow to your scalp for breathability purposes?

1)  Yes, the hair needs to be soaking wet.  The way that the wet hair looks on the roller before rolling the hair up is how the hair is going to dry.  So keep the hair very wet so that it can cling onto the roller and set smoothly when dry.  If you have too many revolutions around the roller, then that is a different problem.  Either use larger rollers or smooth the hair out using heat after it is dry.

2) Yes, semi-permanent, no mix, squeeze bottle hair color stain can still become permanent if the client is receiving a lot of hot iron services.  The heat from the irons can seal the "rinse" into the hair. Usually, over time, the heat pushes the stain deeper into the hair.  Roller sets do not press the color into the hair like a hot iron will.  This is another reason not to hot iron "dirty" hair.  You do not want to press dirt deeper into the hair shaft.

3) If your "blow-dry phase" is a "bear" then yes, you have resistant hair!  20 minutes is an average blow-dry time for relaxed hair and most natural hair that is not resistant.  If your hair requires 40 minutes to blow-dry, and you still have an afro to tame, then yes, your hair is resistant. Straightening this type of hair goes completely against this hair's natural behavior.  Interlocking may also introduce breakage because the interlocking technique actually straightens natural hair by uncoiling it. Traditional comb or finger twisting is probably the healthiest option for this type of hair.

4) The nape area is the most likely place to rip hair out because as we move our head up and down, our skin in the nape area stretches the most.  Have you ever had a new hairstylist to sew a weave track below the occipital bone in the nape area?  Once you bend your head down with a twist and a turn, you can hear hair ripping.  Same thing with locs at the nape, if interlocked too tightly, you can hear the hair ripping.  I have experienced both circumstances myself personally. So say "no" to tracks below the occipital bone and "no" overtightening of locs period.

5) Find your center part and count the rows along the hairline on each side of the center part.  The count from each side should match. 11 on one side and 11 on the other side.  If you have recounted twice, and you still get one or two rows less on one side then there is a good chance you have different size locs on each side of your head.  If the loctician does not pre-part your whole front ear to ear area before starting the locking session, then there is a chance that you are NOT going to get consistent loc sizes.

My Sisterlocks consultant that installed my Sisterlocks did NOT pre-part my hair nor did she count my rows.  So I have different sizes and a different row counts on both sides of my head. Ten versus Eleven rows.  It makes a difference, but a big chop to start over was not an option.  So be aware of this tip for those considering locs.

6)  Believe it or not, I just recently realized that my capes have loops to hang the capes by.  What an aw-haw moment!  It helps to visit other salons and see how they do things.  LOL!

7) Have you ever left wet clothes in the washing machine too long?  Mildew smell - right?  Well your hair is the same way!  You seal off wet hair or wet locs in a ponytail or a headwrap for a day or so, mildew may grow.  Just like you can smell when your clothes "sour" then you or your stylist can smell when your hair "sours."  You only need this to happen once to know that you need to be responsible when handling wet laundry.  So the same urgency is needed as it applies to your hair!

8) If you are ever curious if your hair and scalp is breathing properly, just smell your headscarf or headwrap.  If it smells sour, then "something" is not working.  Find a headwrap that allows more air flow.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Loc-Prints: Unique to Each individual

June 2014

More and More naturals are scoping out my hair - oops, I mean - my locs.  It is weird because I still see my hair as hair that is loc'ed.  I suppose that is a good thing because our locs are hair and can break, dry out, get overprocessed from color, be overtightened, cut too short, etc.  Loc wearers can do about everything that relaxed hair wearers do except chemically relax. 

I used to get people who envied my hair when it was freshly relaxed and grown out.  Emphasis on fresh relaxer . . . but after the roller coaster of gaining length then my hair breaking off  from flat ironing and overprocessing, even I was getting worn down over my own hair.  So it feels good to finally get people loving my hair and wanting my texture in its God-given state. 

The funny thing is that I always thought that the women born with the loose wavy hair were the most exotic looking.  Now, I have to laugh because  even though my hair is the complete opposite of their hair, it means that I also fall into an exotic category on the other end of the scale.

So trying to force my hair to look like theirs was not the answer.  Surprisingly, there is no chemical that can force their hair to look like mine even if they wanted to.  Locs are so unique as they form.  

I have my own individual "loc-print," and I finally starting to love it!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Preparation for Multi-dimensional Loc Coloring

 I had a dream that my whole head of locs were a light brown color and they looked great!!!  I have found when I wear lighter color wigs that the lighter color hair makes people see lighter color skin tones; yet, with my black locs, I think people focus more on my shadows or darker tones.  It is just natural for haircolor to make a statement. Youtube vlogger "tbey82" gave me the idea of multi-dimensional highlighting my locs one at time over time using clippies to identify which locs to color.  Look for the video called "added highlights to my already colored locs."  Her locs were at least three years old.  My locs are not quite at the two years old mark.

 The green clippie was too big for my locs.  They slid off.  The Clear clippies worked fine as you can see above.  I am only demonstrating how the clippies can strategically guide you in loc placement.  I am not ready to color my locs yet, but I may start with five or six at a time.  tbey82 mentioned foiling the individual locs and applying some heat to get the color working.  I wanted to post some of her loc coloring tips here.

 I purchased these Habini clear baby clips from a Korean beauty supply store for less than $2.00 USD.  Most people hate the clear clips because they do not usually match anything, but I think they will be perfect when I decide to color my locs.
A closeup on the closure for the Habini clear clips.

The Remington clips which are too large for my microlocks were purchased from Target stores for about $4.00 USD if I remember correctly.

I have not decided on coloring my locs for year 2 or wait for year 3.  Either way, I will only be highlighting while intentionally avoiding my roots.

I will keep everyone posted!