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Phenomenal . . .
Life, Growth, and Connection (This sunflower was nourished by my hands.) 2010; Photography by Benita Blocker. Please become a follower of this blog.

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Learning about Locks: Dreadlocks

First of all, I am using the term "dreadlocks" because "locks" can be so broad of a term when it comes to hair.  Like Goldilocks, Locks of love, etc.  So "dreadlocks" is the best way to differentiate the type of hair that I am referring to.

In the picture above, my fellow Sisterlocks classmate, had some concerns about her recent Sisterlocks locking session that she had paid for and decided to become a Registered Trainee as well.  After class during the training period, the Master Sisterlocks instructor looked at her Sisterlocks because of her concern about how her Sisterlocks looked compared to others.  The Instructor corrected one of her Sisterlocks by sliding the loops down, adding tension, and adding additional loops into the Sisterlocks.  The corrected Sisterlock is the long one on the right.  The Sisterlock on the left is what it looked liked before "the Sisterlock correction."  Her hair doubled in length just by eliminating all the gaps that were left in the Sisterlock.

So now, imagine that her whole head of Sisterlocks may need to be corrected?  It is enough to make you cry?

 Of course, her Sisterlocks consultant may not have realized that their technique was not efficient or maybe they were going for "a less stringy" look?  Regardless, the client paying hundreds of dollars for the Sisterlocks service expects an expertise unless the client is paying a trainee.  Who is at fault?  The customer who is trusting the Sisterlocks professional, the Sisterlocks consultant, or Sisterlocks headquarters?

I do not have the answer to this question of responsibility, but this is what I do know:

1) Through my research, "interlocking" certain curl patterns is said to be damaging if done too often.  So Sisterlocks is an interlocking method, and it may not be the solution for all hair types.  I have met others that found their hair thinned out with Sisterlocks, and they had to come out of Sisterlocks into an afro.  "Stiff, coily, type 4 hair " should be aware of this possibility and monitor the thickness of their hair over the first seven months.  Sometimes it could be the Sisterlocks consultant's "tightening" technique.  Every consultant is an independent practitioner with different speeds and different approaches.

2) Some people have oily scalps; some people have normal scalp; some people have dry scalp. People with oily scalps will not need extra oil for their Sisterlocks.  Sisterlocks teaches that no one needs to add any oils or greases, but based on what I have seen, some of the stiff, coily, type 4 hair needs some extra help with moisture if their scalp does not naturally produce excessive oil.  However, I do NOT recommend grease or anything with buildup that will attract lint or dirt.  However, products like Jane Carter Solutions hair nourishing serum can be of assistance to certain hair types.  Careful with its usage, that particular Jane Carter Solutions product is not for the scalp- hair strand use only.

3) I also have learned that the interlocking methods such as Sisterlocks actually rotate the hair out of natural fall.  So if the hairtype is hard to lock, no one locking method is going to be the best fit.  What has worked for me is to combine two locking methods in order to make it hold then as the locks mature, one can start to narrow down one method.

4) Sisterlocks teaches only to use starter shampoo for the first six months or more depending on how long it takes for the Sisterlocks to settle in.  Those with normal to dry scalps and type 4 curl patterns may need some conditioning or moisturizing leave-in's.  Typically, type 4 curl patterns are not easy to unravel, but if anyone with a hair type that is easy to unravel, then they should stick with the starter shampoo to assist with speeding up the lock settling process.

5)  In addition, when choosing a loctician for any type of lock service remind the loctician that you do not want your locks doubled up at each service visit.  Also, ask the loctician to save any locks that might break off in order to mend them back.  Those with Type 3 curl patterns and oily scalps will less likely run into the breakage or mending of their locks unless there are a lot of gaps or holes in the locks themselves due to the locking technique.  Again, the lock on the left in the picture above, had a lot of gaps; therefore each gap can pose as a weak area within the lock for future breakage potential.

These are the philosophies of Loctician and Cosmetologist: Benita Blocker

1 comment:

  1. I so agree with the points you made. I think some people think just because consultants are title "consultant" they words are bound. Yes they have way more experience then you as far as hair or maybe locking in general, but you also have experience on how to manage your hair and what condition your scalp is in. Yes take the advice from your consultant, but don't disregard your gut feeling about how to take care your own hair.
