Phenomenal . . .

Phenomenal . . .
Life, Growth, and Connection (This sunflower was nourished by my hands.) 2010; Photography by Benita Blocker. Please become a follower of this blog.

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Turning a 45 cent investment into a 45 dollar return

You may be wondering what does a stamp have to do with hair? Well, it is a long story . . . As you know, I have been "flat iron free" for about a year and a half now - and it has been the best decision for both me and my clients that stuck with me.

Well, before I went "flat iron free" I had a client that swore that the flat iron was not healthy for her hair. I was not ready to believe this. All the hair shows were pushing "flat irons" as healthy. So eventually, she discontinued patronizing my salon. Her words as with all of my clients' feedback stuck in my head.

After finally seeing a consistent pattern of results from the use of the ionic flat irons, I stopped using them and went back to the traditional stove and marcel irons. Oh boy, I still had a learning curve to get used to the old school stove and heat, but finally, I got my rhythm and everyone is back on the right track with their hair. I am so happy of my decision and now, I cringe every time I see a flat iron being used on television or youtube video. All I am thinking is: "they are cooking their hair from the inside out" and they do not even know it. It pains me, but life will go on.

So one day recently, I decided to write this former client a nice little thank you note saying "You were right!" The flat irons are damaging to the hair. I was not ready to receive the information back then, but I sincerely appreciated her feedback. I was listening to her, and I just wanted her to know that I appreciated her past patronage.

Well, believe it or not, she came back for hair services over and over again. It turns out that she had just received a relaxer that was too strong, and she knew that I was the only hairstylist that kept a variety of treatments and product lines for all the different hair types. She was asking God for a sign of what to do next, and my "thank you" letter arrived in her mailbox.

God works in mysterious ways. After about five to six visits, her hair is back on track, and we both are happy. I hate that I was not able to fulfill her hair needs during my "flat iron" phase, but no one is perfect. I thrive for perfection, and as far as the changes that I continue to make in improving my service offerings . . . I am now on a million dollar track. Of course, I am dependent on manufacturers not to alter their products, and that I make sure I keep fresh product, but life is good in my hair world . . . a salute to healthy hair!


  1. very nice story! Wishing you many more blessings!

  2. Thank you jkps! Much Peace and Blessings to you as well!
