Phenomenal . . .

Phenomenal . . .
Life, Growth, and Connection (This sunflower was nourished by my hands.) 2010; Photography by Benita Blocker. Please become a follower of this blog.

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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Crochet Hair: Nami Locs


I literally had to back up and do a double take when I saw these locs in the beauty supply store.

The Nami Locs look like my own Sisterlocks.  I was blown away. I never thought that I would find faux locs that looked like my own texture. This crochet hair would happily serve as Loc extensions for a special occasion.  The brand is Laude & Co.  I feel that they would be too heavy to complete a full head of crochet braids based on the amount to make sure the roots get enough coverage. This is just my opinion.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Steam Therapy for Locs

Winter can be brutal on the skin as well as the hair. When my Sisterlocks look distressed, I pull out my distilled water and my pro facial steamer. 

The steam opens up the cuticles and hydrates. It is a great way to revitalize the hair without a full shampoo service. Sometimes an event can come up too fast,  and you just don't have the full 3 or 4 days for a shampoo service and allowing the natural hair to resettle. The steam therapy  allows you to have a good hair day until you can do a full shampoo reset.

Below is before and after steam therapy.


Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving 2022


Black Panther Wakanda Forever Fan Artistry

Happy Thanksgiving! 

I am thankful for you my followers and supporters. This blog has been receiving traffic for over a decade now. Wow!

Sometimes I use my own articles to refresh my memory banks. Truth stands the test of time.

My Sisterlocks articles get the most traffic. People have to remember - it's not where you start, it is about where you finish.

Social media platforms are precious when you feed your soul with inspiration, fantasy, and a full dose of reality. It is all a balancing act.

This blog still keeps me relevant so thank you for sharing and stopping through.

Be safe out there.

Hugs and Kisses ❤️ Happy  Holidays 2022

No shade. Native American vibe.
 A Christmas story leg lamp acrylic painting by Benita Blocker.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Rhovember 2022


Happy Centennial
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc

Please enjoy 20% off of
100+ products with my textile designs by using the code EARLY20 thru 11/23/2022
At storefront

This tote is my most popular item.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Ten Years Sisterlocks Anniversary


The ten year journey of self maintenance by hand interlocking.

Thank you for continuing to support my blog on hair. I have returned back to the corporate America track. I still work part-time in the salon. I still primarily provide relaxer and crochet braids services.

My Sisterlocks articles from the beginning of my loc journey get a lot of views.

Now, it's ten years later, and it's one of the leading edge decisions that I made. Some feel that my Sisterlocks should be longer. To those people, I say "mind your business." I am not in competition. It's àlways been me against me. Many people always have had me twisted. I was doing protective styling before it was called "protective styling."

Sisterlocks have become a polished acceptable look to even sit on the Supreme Court of the United States. I see all types of professional women who hàve followed my lead directly or indirectly.

Sisterlocks and self maintenance is about freedom and beauty. I still had to learn my natural hair needs that is unique to me. I keep the Wave Nouveau finishing mist around as needed. Usually, I spray daily.

I try to self tighten as many locs as I can before each shampoo service to keep the water weight down.

I also keep any locs that I may lose. I have learned to reuse my own hair to extend locs that may be shorter for whatever the reason.  I also make Loc extension units.  Sometimes seven extra locs attached using invisible thread can be enough to deliver a thicker look in the crown area. Because Sisterlocks recommend different sizing based on the different sections of the head- the Sisterlocks do not need the same frequency of tightening. The smaller ones may need four weeks but the medium or larger ones can stretch tightenings to 7 weeks. Who schedules a partial head of tightenings? Most people don't. It is too much of a hassle to find a good Sisterlocks professional. I stand by self maintenance for my length. People can not tell that you have inconsistent new growth that needs tightening.

Overall, my Loc journey was one helluva ride but I own it and look forward to my 15 years anniversary. Thanks for being a part of my journey.

~Benita, 2022, 10 year locversary!

Thursday, June 23, 2022

June 2022 Thank you

 My Sister locks will be 10 years old July 2022. Thanks for continuing to support this blog!  I'm on Instagram. Over 1k followers.

Check back in July for Anniversary post!