Phenomenal . . .

Phenomenal . . .
Life, Growth, and Connection (This sunflower was nourished by my hands.) 2010; Photography by Benita Blocker. Please become a follower of this blog.

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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Straight No Chaser: Your HairCare Provider

As a former software engineer, many people question my career change to cosmetology.  
My response:  Computer programming is much simpler than hairdressing.  

13 Reasons Why Women Visit their Haircare Provider
  1. Job Interview
  2. Romantic Encounter Scheduled
  3. Formal Event Preparation
  4. Spousal Request
  5. Social Media Referral
  6. Personal Referral
  7. Temporary Physical Limitations
  8. Uplifting Makeover
  9. Meeting Military Standards
  10. Meeting Competition Standards
  11. Correction of a prior procedure
  12. Achieving a more polished look
  13. Experiencing higher quality product lines
Can you think of any other reasons?

The Reality Check from Your Haircare Provider
  • Everybody's hair is different which is why Beyonce put "Becky with the Good hair" on "blast" in 2016.
  • Until the hair is wet, it is hard to know what texture or textures are in play with the hair.
  • Once the hair is wet, service limitations for that salon visit are in play.
  • Sometimes hair makeovers require a series of visits built upon one another.
  • Client Feedback always influences future haircare decisions.
  • Perfection on the first visit is an overachievement. Just like your M.D. - expect to build a relationship.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Four Years Sisterlocks Anniversary Notes

Yes, my Four years Loc-versary is here! Many have asked me questions over the months about my locs - I think that I have some better answers.

Tip #1:  Adding oils while the locs are wet will not weigh them down, but it may slow drying time.

Tip #2: Allow four days after shampooing for the locs to fluff back up.  I see a lot more volume days after my shampoos. I mainly shampoo when too many people start asking me about my loc maintenance schedule.  That is usually my sign that the sweat and pollutants from the air have started to weigh it down.

Tip #3:  Over the years, I have doubled locs that have thinned out so I have what I consider tree branching in my locs.  I have not lost any locs.  I simply combine locs that need combining.  I try not to make a habit of it.  Most of my tree branches are around the hairline along with my temperamental patch of hair in the back of my head. I believe the tree branching is what makes the longer Sisterlocks look so full at the bottom versus their roots.

On a separate note, I am seeing more and more gray hair at my roots, but I am very hesitant to color my locs.  Many people enter into the haircoloring decision so easily, but I know that my hair is different from  most people so I really want to determine if that is a good idea or not for me surrounding the health of my locs. Although, some still mistake some of my gray hair for lint, I just don't worry about it anymore.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Four Years Sisterlocks Wet Check-in

Oh Yeah, It's my four year Sisterlocks Anniversary!!!!!

I got "long locs" now.  Yay!!

Year 5 is supposed to be magical!  Here's to the new year 2017!!!!

NOTE:  I mixed oil and setting lotion for my wet set.  Stay tuned for my next styling article for year 4 (four)  with self maintenance.  This summer heat is a challenge to keep from sweating my curls out.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Crochet Braids using Cork Screw Curly Hair

Crochet Braids by Benita Blocker.

Asymmetric Bob Cut by Benita Blocker.

The longer side.

We used a little over 3 packs of the Cork Screw 18" hair to obtain the volume and fullness of this look.