I had to say a prayer before writing this article because I really needed Divine guidance. This is a sensitive topic, and I want to delicately deliver my message so that it will be helpful to my readers.
First of all, I am thankful to God that I took pictures at EVERY step of the way on my SisterLocks journey. I am thankful that I have my blog articles to document all of the changes that I have been going through with my SisterLocks journey.
My purpose is to educate; not to condemn. With that said, let us begin . . .
Do you see some of the length on my Sisterlocks after the first day of Sisterlocks installation? Well, a lot of that length is relaxed hair. My Last relaxer: 12/19/2011. Sisterlocks installation pictured: 7/23/2012.
Let's calculate: Seven months of new growth = 3.5 inches of virgin roots. Clearly, some of my Sisterlocks are extending 6 and 7 inches long. Also, the picture above shows the right side of my head which was completed at the top of the first day. The picture below shows the left side of my head, and it was completed at the end of the first day.
Locking my relaxed ends into the SisterLocks framework may have resulted in the consultant making more medium size partings where I had preferred to have small partings. I have spent hours this week trying to make sense of the difference in partings between the two sides.
I have concluded that my right side of my head has partings that resemble narrow vertical columns which deliver small size Sisterlocks. Whereas with my left side, the narrow vertical columns seemed to have gotten wider and became more square resembling medium to large Sisterlocks.
I will be performing "lock correction" on at least two of my SisterLocks in my sideburns area with the intentions of forming four smaller locks out of the two that I undo. As for the rest of the inconsistencies, I believe that I can live with them.
As far as my consultant goes,
I did not expect perfection, but I did expect professionalism. She claims that she was taught to maintain an equal count of Sisterlocks on both sides, and she was pleased with what she delivered. When asked if maybe the relaxed hair could have played a part in my more medium sized partings, she quickly and firmly told me that "I did not have that much relaxer left in my hair." That comment was "Strike two." I am a licensed cosmetologist in three states, salon owner, and a full time hair professional . . . and she felt that she was the expert on relaxed hair and my relaxed hair at that? She is not even licensed in any state for hair. I was completely done with her. Then on top of that, I discovered that she had combined one of my locks together. She did not tell me that she had done this. My Sisterlocks are only four months old, and she is already having to double them. "What the HE##?" If my Sisterlocks were about two years old, then maybe some combining of locks may seem reasonable, but not at a three months point, and I am going regularly for tightenings.

The only thing that I could think of is that by her overlooking locks at my 6 weeks tightening sessions, they were getting weak. I asked her at my first retightening session, "Why does she skip around on my head for retightenings?" She stated that she jumps around as to not get bored, but she ends up missing some of my Sisterlocks at every session.
Since my last retightening, I found two Sisterlocks so far that she missed. That means that those locks will be put in jeopardy because they were not being tightened on a regular basis, but I am paying her to maintain every Sisterlock(s) on my head.
Well, this was "Strike Three." The business etiquette and customer service has been below my standards. Our personalities are in conflict, and I no longer trust her as a "partner for my hair." It is time to "chair hop."
The Sisterlocks Training team is coming through Charlotte, NC in January 2013. I encourage others to consider taking the class to become a Registered Trainee. We really need more choices in Charlotte.