If you take a shower everyday and you clean the rest of your body everyday, then why not shampoo your hair everyday?
In some cultural groups, the idea that hair can not be shampooed everyday has been passed on for decades. In reality, with the right products and techniques, everyone (Black people included)can shampoo as often as you need to!
Key things to remember:
1) If shampooing everyday, you do NOT need to exfoliate the scalp. In other words, do not vigorously cleanse the scalp. Lightly massage the scalp and just concentrate on cleansing the hair strands of sweat, product buildup, and/or hairspray.
2) Use the proper shampoos to cleans what you need to get out of the hair. Ex. If you are using a lot of silicone products, consider a mild sulfate based shampoo like Paul Mitchell Shampoo one as a quick first lather. Rinse. Then use a luxury shampoo like Pureology Nanoworks as a quick second shampoo. Remember: Cleanse the hair not the scalp if shampooing daily. You do not want to irritate the scalp.
3) Use the appropriate conditioner. Ethnic hair or curlier hair may need a thicker conditioner such as Rusk Deepshine Keratin Care Deep Penetrating Treatment. There are also "daily conditioners" for those who have finer hair.
4) Use the right leave-in conditioners and/or styling aids. Pictured is a Sebastian Whipped Creme that is great on wet hair for blow-drying the hairline straight. Also, Moccocan oil is great on dry hair for flat ironing. Everyone must find a good combination for their own hair type and the style they want to wear.
Please note: That your hair should be free of tangles before you start the blow-dry process. If the hair is tangled then either you need a conditioning treatment and/or different leave-in conditioners.
As far as added time in the morning: I have been able to shower, shampoo, condition, apply leave-in conditioners, comb-through, and blow-dry within 30 minutes for my shorter hair look. I can be dressed, makeup applied, hair curled and ready to go within another 40 minutes. So it can be done pretty quickly . . .
In the past, I spent more time trying to get "soiled hair" curled to look good than it would have taken me to just "start over" with the shampoo process. Allow an extra hour in the morning to try this out . . .
If you have long, thick hair . . . just ponytail it if you are having a bad hair day. You will need more time than a shorter, edgy hairstyle.