Phenomenal . . .

Phenomenal . . .
Life, Growth, and Connection (This sunflower was nourished by my hands.) 2010; Photography by Benita Blocker. Please become a follower of this blog.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Keeping Type 4 Relaxed Hair Shaped

My client of over 2 years, typically does not do any home shampoos nor hot tools. Relaxer services are usually about every 8 to 10 weeks. Hair by Benita Blocker.
My client of over 2 years usually receives a trim around every 4 months. We focus more on keeping a nice shape versus a fresh cut. We are also growing the color out at this time. Two chemicals on Type 4 curl patterns can be challenging especially when regular salon visits may not be an option. Hair by Benita Blocker

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The effects of Heat on hair!

Through my research, I have discovered that the metal straightening combs and hot tools were sold in stores such as Bloomingdales since 1872 before Madam CJ Walker went into business. So just like hair extensions, hot tools were NOT invented with African Americans nor slaves in mind. They were invented to enhance the beauty of the elite.

On average, typical caucasian hair is naturally straight, hard to roll, and hard to maintain curl. Taking a closer look, at these characteristics would explain why beauty inventions were developed.

Straight hair that will not hold a curl means there is no body to the hair. It could look flat and thin. Thus, adding hair extensions gave a thicker look to those who felt they had straight, thin or flat hair.

Heat has been proven to denature proteins. As it relates to hair, heat allows a temporary reformulation of hair shape by adding curl or removing curl. Thus, your hot tools were developed. Initially, these hot tools did not have a thermostat built in and required a "burner" to heat them up. Examples are the traditional straightening combs and marcel waving irons.

Denaturation of protein can be seen when an egg-white goes from clear-like liquid to a firm white substance when fried. Also, the pasteurization of milk makes it "whiter" and a little thicker.

So when we think of hair(protein) on our heads, consider this: if hot tools are used when they are too hot and are used frequently, they can cause a permanent change in our hair.

This means "hard pressing" could eventually give you the same effects as a chemical relaxer. Repeated flat ironing can train the hair to remain straight; therefore giving you similar effects as a chemical relaxer.

On the flip side, renaturation of the hair may happen at a slower rate if one wants their natural curl back. Renaturation of protein is spontaneous and out of our control. It is DNA related. So the hair's natural ability to return to its original state is dependent on if we have permanently altered our hair causing it not to renature.

As far as hair shaping, we can force a curl, a wave, or straightness through heat and/or chemicals, etc.

Heat in moderation causes a temporary change. Excessive heat can cause a permanent change. Water causes a temporary change. Chemicals usually cause a permanent change.

In summary, hot tools have been around since the late 1800's for hair shaping. Hot tools used in moderation allow a temporary change in hair shape until water or moisture causes it to renature. Caution should be used when applying heat to hair because excessive temperatures can damage and permanently change the hair regardless of the type of hot tool used.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Healthy, relaxed Type 4 hair, curlied!

My client of 1 year 10 months is a Type 4 curl pattern. We relaxed around every 8 weeks. No hair color. She does not use hot irons at home. Typically, she gets her hair wet set with double strand twists. When it is closer to relaxer time, we blow-dry and hot curl! Hair by Benita Blocker

My client of 1 year 10 months does not like to disturb the curls. So how they fall . . . they fall! Just shine spray, holding spray, and go! Hair by Benita Blocker

"Old School" Product Recommendations

"Blue Magic" was recommended to me by a stylist who said it was the only thing that grew her daughter's edges back! It is a heavy hairdressing; so extreme moderation should be used with its application. I found it to be great as a pressing oil for the good, old fashioned pressing comb and stove method. The lanolin in it makes it a good, long lasting moisturizer. There is no need to apply daily. I would apply this product to the scalp more than I would to the hair. (Again, less is best with application of this product.)
The keywords on this bottle of Instant Moisturizer is "Glycerine and Protein!" Some bottles only say "Glycerine." You want to buy the one with both words. The Glycerine is good for shine and the protein is good for strength. The product is a little wet but great for an overnight hair treatment.

I have tried thousands of professional products. The low price points on these products make them a "great deal" in regards to performance. Since today's economy is pushing people into lower price points, I figure that recommendations like these with improve hair strength, shine, and density for less than $5.00!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Long, Healthy Double Processed hair

My client of two years and ten months is relaxed and colored. Hair by Benita Blocker

My client of 2 years 10 months has Type 3 hair that we roller set 90% of the time. She is a bi-weekly client that loves maintaining her layers. Hair that is double processed (relaxer plus color) should be roller set to minimize any breakage. Hair by Benita Blocker.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Enhance your relaxed strands with Brazilian Blowout

My client is relaxed and color treated. We completed the Brazilian Blowout smoothing treatment and acheived this level of straightness, shine, and frizz-freedom with just a blow-dry service. We did NOT flat iron! Less work and less heat! Hair by Benita Blocker.

Long, Healthy, RELAXED Type 4 hair!

This client of 1 year 11 months has Type 4 hair that we relax every 7 to 12 weeks. She does not hot iron/flat iron nor shampoo at home. She was a weekly client for at least a year; then became a bi-weekly client with the economy change. Hair by Benita Blocker
My client of 1 yr 11 mos did receive a hot oil treatment with this blow-dry/style visit. She will wrap and maintain moisture level of her hair at home until she makes it back into the salon. Hair by Benita Blocker. What time is it? It's time to grow your hair!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The effects of the sun on color

These two pictures are exactly the same. Can you tell which one has been exposed to prolonged sunlight? Well . . . The flesh-tone picture to the right was the original color. The sun rays lightened up the yellow tones and turned it reddish/pink. The sun can be damaging to our haircolor and skin! Many of the Pureology products have UV protection for hair!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Growing Long Healthy Relaxed Hair

My client has been with me for two years and nine months. Some parts of her hair started at an inch or two long when she first came to me. We have grown it out since her first visit. Hair stylist: Benita Blocker

My client of two years; nine months, receives relaxer and trim services about every 4 to 5 months. She does not hot iron nor shampoo at home. She only wears loose ponytails when it gets close to time to come back into the salon. Hair by Benita Blocker.

Anyone that desires this type of growth has to prolong relaxer services to 7 weeks mininum to six months. Yes! The hair will be puffy for weeks or even a month because of the delay in receiving the relaxer service, but it is important to limit the chemicals. Also, as the hair gets longer, it needs a professional eye, professional products, professional tools which means the hair shampooing should be done by a professional like Hair stylist Benita Blocker. Also, avoid adding hair color. One chemical is plenty. My client above is Type 3 hair which allows us the freedom of flat ironing every two weeks. No roller sets because we do not relax the hair except 4 to 5 months at a time. Stay tuned by becoming a follower of this blog for long healthy relaxed hair in the Type 4 category.