Monday, February 2, 2015

Yendi Collection: Sisterlocks Hair Tie

 I purchased my Sisterlocks (tm) hair tie a few years ago.  I knew that one day my Sisterlocks would be long enough to wear it.  Well, most people sport this hair tie with a ponytail, but I opted for an updo enhancement.  Hopefully, I am the first person to "rock" this Sisterlocks hair tie like a headband!

 They come in Brick and Gold colors.  I liked the gold color.  It is a special occasion hair tie because it is great marketing to gain new Sisterlocks clients. I wore it to a Superbowl 2015 event.  I didn't have anyone to ask me any questions, but with the Sisterlocks name "front and center," there are probably not any questions to be asked about the locs.

An artist named Yendi designed the hair ties.  Yendi Collection is listed inside the hair tie.  Where to buy? From Sisterlocks, of course.

On a separate note, Sisterlocks have started an online academy.  I believe that it is mainly for consultants to complete refresher courses. Personally, I still think that consultants should be forced to attend all Sisterlocks trainings that are within a 30 miles radius of the consultants' addresses.

Depending on the city, Sisterlocks consultants bond in Sisterhood by fellowshipping at the trainings. I never found this to be true for the Charlotte, NC area.  In fact, the Charlotte area, would be stronger if Sisterlocks consultants would meet up at least once a year to just have a luncheon.

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