Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Start of a Certified Sisterlocks Consultant Locking Session

Of course, there is a story behind this Sisterlocks locking session picture.  Well, I had a natural client that referred another natural client to me.  They had two different curl patterns and two different curl behaviors.  So this new referral had more limited options based on her hair texture compared to my long time client.

Surprisingly, this new referral liked my Sisterlocks and wanted to learn more about them.  So while I did a thermal hair straightening service on her natural hair, I showed her some Sisterlocks pictures and explained them.

It seemed that Sisterlocks were the answer that she was looking for as far as control of her natural hair.  I eventually secured her at a $600 Sisterlocks quote based on her length of her natural hair.  However, because my speed was not what it is now, I had second thoughts about tying up my salon time which would take away from my "chemical" clientele. So I gave her a certified Sisterlocks consultant contact information that I trusted to give her true Sisterlocks sizing and a speedy completion.  She did call and scheduled a consultation with the recommended certified Sisterlocks consultant.  However, she came back questioning me about why she didn't get "test Sisterlocks" and my professionalism as far as my Sisterlocks offerings.

Having gone through 12 days of Sisterlocks training, and the personal "hell" of a Sisterlocks journey that I went through, this questioning struck a nerve.  I was NOT upset with the client because she had a right to ask questions.  I was IRATE at the certified Sisterlocks consultant.  My thoughts were this:

"How the hell is it that I am sending a $600.00+ referral your way on a deal that I closed for myself, and your a$$ is painting me as an unprofessional Sisterlocks representative?"  (sorry for the French here)

You best believe this fellow Sisterlocks representative got a long, professional voicemail from me that went something like this:

1) I am a licensed cosmetologist in three states that shampooed and straightened the client's hair so I saw the client's curl pattern and curl behavior.

2) Test Sisterlocks are done mainly because Sisterlocks consultants do NOT have to be cosmetologists.  They can just be "Sisterlocks technicians."  So the test locs allow the Sisterlocks rep and the client to see what the Sisterlocks will somewhat look like initially before the settling in phase.  It also assists with choosing the locking pattern for a new walk-in client.  However, since I gave her a full hairstyling service, I fully knew which pattern to use because I was NO LONGER "new" to her hair.

3) As far as a Sisterlocks paid formal consultation, I did not give it to her because she did not come to me asking for Sisterlocks.  I sold her on Sisterlocks upon hearing her struggle to control her natural hair.  So Sisterlocks was an afterthought for her.

4) I am a full time hair professional.  I do NOT expect anyone including another Sisterlocks consultant to question my professionalism nor integrity.  I am not perfect, but I know that I am a industry leader.

So the certified Sisterlocks consultant listened to my voicemail, and she did call me back, and we did "clear the air."  So we had a new understanding.  I am not in competition with other hair professionals.  I have been in the hair industry long enough to respect being a team player even if we work for different companies.

If we all disrespect each other, then the masses will disrespect all of us.

The client did send me a picture of her start of her Sisterlocks locking session with the other certified Sisterlocks consultant.  She is still pleased that I introduced her to Sisterlocks even though I was not the one to get them started for her.

In summary, the average person wants to assume that all the Sisterlocks consultants are like Mary Kay consultants where there's a Sisterhood and everyone wants the best for each other for the most part.  However,  not all cities have strong Sisterlocks consultants bonding.  It is best to assume that each Sisterlocks consultant is truly an independent consultant in a different network.

Do I anticipate the Sisterlocks networking to get stronger?  It will depend on the city and if enough Sisterlocks representative want to try to work together.  Right now, I would say "no."  But who knows what the future will hold.

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