Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Seven Years Sisterlocks Loc-Versary

It's seven years this month for my Sisterlocks, and I am showcasing seven looks!

The weather sometimes just drop all my curls out leaving it straight.

I have to bantu knot my hair at night to maintain some texture for the next day.

Lady in red.

Yes, I can touch the bottom of my hair.

My hair is long enough to tie in a knot in the crown from the sideburns area.  It gives me a partial updo.

I have been sporting a lot of Ashley Stewart fashions lately.

A fresh wet set service delivers the maximum amount of curls.

How did I do?  I heard "Sisterlocks" are now the local trend.  I guess-I was ahead of the curve. I still self maintain my own locs. Happy Number 7 for me! I will continue to check in once a month.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed a lot more people posting seven year old Locs that look longer than mine. Let me be clear, my hair is "self grooming." This means it has about 75 percent shrinkage which means you do not see the "frizzy Halo" that other Loc wearers have with their seven year old Locs. Different hair textures deliver different results. Newbies may get confused about the length comparison. My seven year length if pressed completely straight would match any other person's seven year length. Only in its natural shrunken state does it look shorter than the loose curly locked hair.
