Sunday, November 11, 2018

How Often should Locs be tightened?

Loc Expert Benita Blocker

How often should locs be tightened? So Glad that you asked!  The smaller the locs, the closer to 4 to 5 weeks is recommended. Medium size locs, closer to 6 to 7 weeks is recommended.  Larger locs, 8 weeks or more is recommended.  

Why? The number of loc rotations decreases with the larger the loc's diameter is.  So small locs allow for the most rotations to stay secure so frequency is importatnt. Medium locs typically don't allow a full rotation until about 6 to 7 weeks.

Because my Sisterlocks are larger than many, at a four or five week period, I was at risk of being overtightened.  And initially, I did have a Sisterlocks technician to overtighten instead of informing me it was too soon for the tightening.  Sometimes the technicians don't know.

Articles like this can be used as a guide for both consumers and technicians.

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