Thursday, September 28, 2017

Sisterlocks Anniversary: 5 years and 2 months

My collage of me age 27 versus age 47.

Twenty years later, I am in Sisterlocks land. I am at my five years and two month Sisterlocks anniversary.  I am not blogging as much because the natural hair movement is full throttle, and many of my clients still love their relaxers.  I must admit that relaxers make my job and my clients' lives easier.  I don't plan to stop the relaxers when so many still benefit from them.

For those who have learned to make natural hair - loose or locked work - then it is all good!!!  I personally know that my loc journey is my final hair destination.  I will continue to partner with clients to meet their needs with or without chemicals.

My fractured arm is healing!  I have been out of work for about six weeks now.  I miss my clients, and they miss me!!!  I am watching my weight using Herbalife meal replacement shakes and other supplements.  My nails on my injured hand are the longest they have been in a long time.  I feel like Superwoman.  LOL

My arm is strong enough to get more walking in for exercise. (sweating in picture above)  Also, my left arm is able to tightening my Sisterlocks with ONE HAND and Bantu knot set them for styling purposes.

Sisterlocks are clearly Apocalypse ready.  I just need my hands to tighten and finger style (one hand at that).  It just doesn't get any simpler than that from a self sufficiency standpoint. Well, stay tuned until next month!

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