Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Conventional Natural Hair Straightening

The Final:  Healthy Hair by Benita Blocker

BEFORE:  Freshly conditioned with a cocktail of Avlon MoisturRight Hair Repair Masque and KeraCare Humecto for 30 minutes.  I also sealed the ends with Abba Color Protection Conditioner.

Blow dry completed.

Pressed, Trimmed, and Curled Hair by Benita Blocker

Humidity Blockers used:  Kayvel Creme Press, Kayvel Curl Wave/Wax, and Big Sexy Hair Weatherproof spray.  Since my model's hair is resistant, I am not worried about her loosing any natural curl when she decides to go back curly.

Conventional stove with marcel irons were used.  This model received the Texture Release service in December 2014.  Her hair responded better to my traditional straightening method versus the smoothing treatment.  So I do not recommend smoothing treatments for those with resistant hair.

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