Monday, May 4, 2015

Carnival Win: Rasta Stuffed Banana

This is my Rasta Stuffed Banana that I won as a result of a horrible guess at my weight.

My weight was to be guessed Within 3 pounds . . .  He was over by seventy (70) pounds.
Could he had at least guessed 70 pounds lighter????  
Wow!  Talking about hurt feelings!!! Laughing out Loud.

Anyway, the 2015 Charlotte Fair had helicopter rides and acrobats.

These guys even walked the tightrope.  It was a very suspenseful show. 
They had magic shows too.

The petting zoo had water buffalo, cattle, goats, sheep, pot belly pigs, and more.  
Handwashing was strongly encouraged after petting animals.  
I decided not to take any chances not even on the sheep.

They had plenty of carnival rides, ferris wheel, roller coaster, swings, etc.  I just did not take pictures of the rides.  Also, they had elephant ears, funnel cake, turkey legs, beef brisket, pizza, and more. 
It was fun for all ages!!!!

This article was fluffy, but rest assured that I have more serious hair articles coming down the pipeline. Just having a little fun!! 
Stay tuned.

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