Sunday, April 5, 2015

Loc Counts and Loc Counting

My loc client said she bundled her locs into 10-counts and then counted the bundles in order to reach her loc count.  She inspired me to do the same, and I counted . . .

320 Sisterlocks.

So for $750 and 20 hours, I got 320 Sisterlocks . . .  Of course, I was happy that I did get some of my money back now.

Considering others have said that they got
 773 Sisterlocks in 25 hours and
 763 Sisterlocks in 26 hours over a three day period.  
I definitely got the short end of the deal, but God has the Master plan.

Some of the ladies with 700+ Sisterlocks have doubled up their locs for more manageability so my 320 count is still low, but very reasonable for self maintenance.

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