Saturday, March 28, 2015

Loc Splitting: Reducing the size of Locs

 Typically, when splitting a loc, one should "Y"at the one third mark versus at the half mark as pictured above. The reason for this is because you want the base of the loc to support the weight of the loc upon cutting the "Y" apart.   The model pictured really could benefit in an increase in styling options by having smaller locs.
When the "Y's" are next to one another, you have a choice to make three or four smaller locs out of the four branches at the base.  You can combine the two shorter branches of the "Y" into one loc and then keep the outer branches as two separate locs giving you three locs out of four branches.

Why split the locs? Again, smaller locs  can seem to offer more styling options.

Pictured is a "Y" that is about 3 inches long and ready to be split.


  1. Interesting post and share. Love how you explain this. One day I will be a consultant and knowledge is power.

    1. The Sisterlocks training is awesome! You should take it whenever you can. You do not have to accept clients. I recommend the refresher courses too! Now, if the existing consultants would take the refresher courses, then it would make them more customer service driven. I am passionate about making people feel appreciated versus the consultants feeling like they are doing the customers a favor. That has been a hot topic for me. LOL But definitely consider the class if it comes to your city.
