Saturday, December 27, 2014

Avlon Angel Christmas Ornament

 I was actually saving this ornament to one day put on my own family Christmas tree, but with North Korea supposedly threatening to authorize terrorist acts over distributuion of a Hollywood movie and race relations protests nationwide for justice for unarmed victims of police, I figured that she needed to be seen.  So I gave her to my mother this Christmas 2014.

 The back of her.

 The side of her.

 She was created by the "Sandy Dolls" company.

 Avlon, the makers of Affirm, KeraCare, MoisturRight distributed these ornaments to hairstylists over ten years ago. My box was discolored from sunlight exposure while in my storage, but the ornament "Naya" inside remained protected.

Thanks Dr. Ali N. Syed! 

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