Sunday, November 2, 2014

Natural Hair Expos Have New Purpose!

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I have started noticing that many of the natural hair divas attending the Natural Hair Expos already have found a regimen that is working for their hair.  Compared to a few years ago when the audience members were struggling with their hair, YouTube tutorials and curl care product line expansions have turned some audience members into actual teachers.

Let's face it,   as I stated in a previous blog article, there are probably over 40 different hair types walking around based on the various curl diameters and curl behaviors.  Natural hair requires a lot of trial and error.  So that means that many women have become an expert on their own hair.  I have witnessed natural hair speakers and facilitators who do not hold any type of state issue license speak with authority on their subject matter which is their own natural hair.  We see it on YouTube all the time.  I love YouTube!  I am a licensed hair professional in three states, and I am willing to learn from everyone with or without a state issued license.

Luckily, I have been doing hair long enough to know when I hear something that does not sound right, I improvise as needed- but I do learn from other's trial and errors.

So back to my original question, with so many natural hair divas already savvy with their own hair, why attend a natural hair expo?  My guess is to discover even more styling options, styling tools, and great discounts on products that already are working on their hair.

Sometimes mothers may want to take their daughters to a natural hair Expo to help them appreciate others with hair like theirs.

Can you think of any other reasons to attend?


  1. I liked attending in the beginning-for me that was 2010 I was growin weary of them. By 2012 I was #done. I enjoyed the comraderie at that time. It was still pretty home-grown and their was a sisterhood that does not exist now. It's purely commercial and competitive. I dont like that. It was about the community in the early years. At first I attended for that communion, then to present and teach. Then, I saw the generations shift and I grew disenchanted with the post Chris-rock naturals who had not shifted their mental process/only physical. They wanted instant gratification and by then products began to appear in the stores-whereas when I entered the game we had to order online. To get one product that 'might' work was an investment of at least a $100 bones. I dont go anymore, I find no purpose. But, I would go to support a close friend new to being natural. Otherwise, it makes me feel like I stepped into a side-show full of hyper-over zeolous sales people that only want my dollars, not my cents....and those are my 2 cents. I'm out.

    1. Very powerful statement Cheleski. Thanks for sharing. Great History lesson!

  2. I went to my first natural hair expo 11/9. It was nice, but to be honest, it wasn't a lot of natural hair things going on. Most of vendors were selling body products and jewelry. Don't get me wrong I found some great stuff, I just thought the hair category was lacking.

    1. Interesting. Let's see how the hair expos go in the future.
