Wednesday, June 25, 2014

New KeraCare Humecto tub packaging is less durable

 You may want to hold on to your old tub of KeraCare Humecto conditioner.  The tub pictured on the left is the old packaging .  It has longer vertical lines running along the opening area versus the shorter vertical lines pictured on the right.  The opening is not a big deal, but look at the picture below.

The old packaging has a  rounded bottom on the left and the new packaging has sharp corners that can cause some discomfort when handling a full tub of conditioner.  Also, even though, you can not see from the pictures that I took, the new packaging is LESS DURABLE.  I could see the shadow of the conditioner inside as I moved it around.  The bottom of the tub also felt like it could barely support the five pounds of product inside.

In a nutshell, if you accidently drop the new packaging of this KeraCare Humecto tub, you probably will have no product to savage because the new packaging does not seem to be built for accidental dropping.

No one plans to drop products or tools, but it can happen.  When holding this new packaging of the KeraCare Humecto, I literally can feel the conditioner in the palm of my hands. The walls of the tub are even thinner in density than the old packaging. I will probably pour the new tub of conditioner into the old tub packaging.  I really do not trust myself to move the new packaging around too much without hurting my hands or dropping it.  Needless to say that I am disappointed in the cheaper quality container that Avlon went to.

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