Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lock Love: One year and 8 Months Brief Check-in

Pictures are worth a thousand words.  Progression feels good.  I probably need another year and eight months to reach unlimited lock styling.  Many people say that they are liking the loc option, but they want to skip the starter loc phase.  Does that show weakness?  or Does it show strength?

We are such an instant gratification society. Politics rule. As I gain more and more length, my acceptance into mainstream society is becoming more easy.

What a great concept:  Showcasing my own grown hair instead of feeling forced to wear wigs or hair extensions.

I have been hearing more and more people tell me that they can not afford to keep dishing out  for those $300 hair weave every other month.

As the summer approaches, more and more ladies are considering texturizing and/or relaxing this year. Some are also considering locs.

By year end, I got a feeling that I am going to be amazed. I really am not sure of the direction that black hair care will go.  We shall see, but in the meantime, I have quite a few products to talk about in the next week or so!  New leave-in conditioners!!!!!  Stay tuned.


  1. Looking good Lady. Hope my micro braidlocs fill in like that by this time next year, I'm 81/2 months into my journey.

  2. Your hair looks so much thicker. I love this post and the message behind it.

  3. Thanks ladies! And yes, every year makes a difference!
