Tuesday, March 25, 2014

C shaped Hair Weaving Needles

 When sewing extensions, it is good to have at least five hair weaving needles threaded at a time.  However, I would not take the needle sharpness and angles for granted.  All needles are not created equal.

 After going through my needle inventory, I realized that I have two different hair weaving needles from Sally's Beauty Supply with the same item number but the shape of the two needles are different.  One has a deeper C shape to it than the other.

 Hopefully, from the picture above, you can see the difference between the two Sally Beauty Supply C shaped needles.  I purchased these needles some years ago so I do not know which shape is currently being sold in Sally's Beauty Supply.

I purchased some other C-shaped needles from a professional supplier years ago as well, but I found the sharpness of the needle was better on the ones purchased from Sally's Beauty Supply.

Sharp needles are important if piercing through wefts.  Although some hair companies ask that you do not sew through their hair wefts.

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