Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sisterlocks Four Day Training Milestones

I have completed 12 days of training with two different Sisterlocks Master trainers, and I now can analyze and troubleshoot locks.  Yes, the majority of the information that is now embedded in my head was probably introduced within the first four days, but there's a difference between "memorizing information" and "knowing information."  Memorizing information may allow you to pass a "written standardized test," but only when you know enough to apply your knowledge in your practice as needs arises does your training really pay for itself.

Let's look at my milestones for each four day Sisterlocks training sessions:

August 2012 Sisterlocks Four Day training in Boston, MA

1) I had no concept of what interlocking hair meant prior to the class.
2) I had just finished having my own hair Sisterlocked resulting in a less than perfect experience.
3) I had just been laid off from a corporate position shortly after wearing this new Sisterlocks styling into the workplace.
4) The travel and tight time schedules had me absolutely exhausted the whole time.

1) I learned how to interlock hair.
2) I learned to follow the parting size guidelines suggested by Sisterlocks.
3) The Sisterlocks literature was high in quality, and the company provided us with plenty of promotional materials including Sisterlocks postcards.

With the trauma of my Sisterlocks establishment session, the corporate backlash of natural hairstyling, the travel, the learning of a totally new hair concept, at the end of four days,  I was retaining next to nothing new about Sisterlocks, but I networked with some wonderful classmates.

January 2013 Four Day Training in Charlotte, NC

Cons:  My classmates never warmed up to each other.

1) Because the interlocking hair concept was no longer new to me, much of the four day training felt like a refresher, and everything that was "information overload" from the Boston training was just right for me to retain in this Charlotte class.
2) My own Sisterlocks journey was continuing to raise more questions, and this second four day training was a great time to gather all the answers to my questions.

January 2014 Four Day Training in Charlotte, NC

1) No live model to practice on.
2) Sisterlocks literature for classmates were in lower quality resolution.
3) Limited Sisterlocks merchandise was available for immediate purchase.

1) Having seen so many more heads of natural hair, my understanding of the variety of curl patterns out there helped me to really understand troubleshooting and repair of locks.
2) Having a different Sisterlocks instructor also provided me with an opportunity to hear the standard Sisterlocks material presented using different terminology and everything that was unclear from the last two training sessions became clear.
3) The classmates really bonded.
4) I even discovered something new about my own head of hair.  I had two significantly different curl patterns in my head.
5) I had more length and lock styling ability surrounding my own hair.
6) I learned that the Sisterlocks founder, Dr. Cornwell has a short and shallow curl pattern which is different from my curl pattern of short and deep.  I assume Dr. Cornwell's hair is also pliable, and my own hair is more stiff and resistant.

 Dr. Cornwell probably 20 years ago.

Dr. Cornwell, more recent.

Anyone with short, shallow, pliable curl patterns like Dr. Cornwell should expect to have a pretty smooth Sisterlocks journey because she herself is proof of the Sisterlocks technique and philosophy.

For all other short, tightly coiled, deep, stiff curl patterns that are not like Dr. Cornwell's hair, the traditional lock twisting methods may serve your better.

When it comes to hair, it is best to compare apples to apples.  People can not all expect the same results when they are starting with different hair types.

Now, as far as the four day Sisterlocks training goes, people who have some hair interlocking experience prior to the Sisterlocks training, will really have a headstart.  Two four day trainings may be more than enough to get you the proficiency in doing things the Sisterlocks way.  Although, it took me three training sessions/12 days, I can easily see two training sessions/8 days as plenty.  One four day training is only enough to get you started.  A refresher should be taken within a year after the first four day training in order to become more proficient at offering the Sisterlocks package.


  1. How does the the interlocking work? Is it like crocheting? Do you use your own hair, or do you add supplemental hair to start it out therefore the need for a tool?

    I'm sorry to hear about your job loss!

    1. MileHighDiva, there is NO supplemental hair added, and yes, the Sisterlock framework has a rhythm like crocheting. Interlocking patterns vary with each loctician. Each Sisterlock is started by a hand locking pattern, then as it gets close to the scalp where your fingers are too big, then you use the Sisterlocks tool to finish the Sisterlock off. I hope this helps. I encourage you watch basic interlocking on youtube for a visual introduction or take the Sisterlocks proprietary training.

    2. Thanks for the kind words regarding the job loss. If I would have done lock extensions, it may would have prevented the layoff but it was pure office politics and lack of diversity awareness. I am using the layoff as a platform for other speaking engagements to bring cultural awareness to the workplace. Making lemonade out of lemons! Smile.

    3. I just posted an article with a link to an interlocking retightening video that I liked. "Retightening Guidelines" article

  2. I'm LOVING your blog!!! Good stuff! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Cheleski! Believe or not, I use my blog to review my own lessons learned. It is stress relief, therapeutic, and empowering. I am happy that others like you are benefiting from my hair journey and discoveries.
