Saturday, February 22, 2014

Length Needed to start Sisterlocks

This article discusses Sisterlocks sizing, Sisterlocks establishment, and the concept of having two Sisterlocks technicians work on one head.

For all those who are not sure if they have enough new growth to start Sisterlocks, here's a guide based on curl pattern:

If you are a Type 3 curl pattern, then your natural hair may be harder to interlock and stay put.  So a good two or two and a half inches would be best to start Sisterlocks.  A solid two inches mininum of relaxer free, frizz free hair without thin ends is definitely needed to keep the lock from unravelling.

If you are a Type 4 curl pattern, then your hair should be easier to interlock and stay put.  So an inch and a half is all that is needed.

The picture above gives you a better idea of the length including shrinkage for both hair types 3 and 4.  Disregard the actual curl patterns in the picture.  The sample hair I used were from the same sample pack.  I  mainly wanted to emphasize the length.

For a Type 3 curl pattern, five to six months post-relaxer is a good timeframe to start Sisterlocks.

For a Type 4 curl pattern, four months post-relaxer is a good timeframe to start Sisterlocks.

Prior to going to a lock establishment or locking session, I recommend establishing your own "center part" in the front by establishing two or more ponytails.  This will save you and the Sisterlocks consultant time deciding on the placement of your center part.

The model pictured above are the intended size of Sisterlocks.  Sisterlocks should be so small that finger twisting should not be an option unless the Sisterlocks are combined into larger locks. This model's density may be a little low, but these size locks make retightening easier and quicker.  Also, the locks are lighter and fluffier and able to be styled more easily.

Many people who paid for Sisterlocks did not receive proper Sisterlocks sizing.

If Sisterlocks are being done correctly, the Sisterlocks consultant may spend two hours parting the whole head before ever establishing the first Sisterlock. Depending on your hairtype, your hair may be braided down within your pre-established partings.  The sizing and the grid is what makes the Sisterlocks officially Sisterlocks.

Many people identify my own personal locks as Sisterlocks because they are small, but I have met people who did not pay for Sisterlocks, and their loctician made their starter locks very small. Their "non-Sisterlocks" look similar to some of my own locks in which I purposely paid for Sisterlocks.

I can now feel some of my locks and know that the lock could have been divided into at least two separate Sisterlocks. A few of my locks could have even been split into three Sisterlocks.

Sisterlocks, if done correctly, may be best completed by two Sisterlocks consultants.  The front of the head by the primary consultant, and the back of the head by a secondary consultant.  The primary consultant should be responsible for all partings on the head.  Thus pre-parting the entire head allows for a secondary consultant to assist with the Sisterlocks and work within the grid established for consistency.

There are only select cities and locations where Sisterlocks consultants are working together to deliver excellence in accordance with the Sisterlocks name.

Hopefully, this article will help those potentially beginning their Sisterlocks journey.


  1. Hiya,

    It's been mentioned that my picture is on your blog. It maybe worth adding an updated picture of my sisterlocks so those with concerns about low density can see how the look further down the line. Many thanks Helen

    1. Hello! I encourage anyone reading your comment to visit your website. I am so happy that your Sisterlocks journey has gone well.
