Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sisterlocks: My Fourth Retightening Session

My new certified Sisterlocks consultant works out of a licensed salon, and she is a licensed cosmetologist as well.  Her hair texture seems similar to mine.  She is okay with clients using hairdressing in their hair.  Overall, I had a very pleasant experience.  No stress.  Whenever she had a question about something, she would ask and give me a choice.  For example:
1) For the Sisterlock that got doubled up, I asked her to make the two locks even with each other.
2) For the Sisterlocks that I had corrected, she tightened and recommended that I should have went for three Sisterlocks instead of the four that I created out of the two larger ones that were there.
3) She counted my rows on each side of my head similiar to what the previous consultant was trained to do. She and I agree that I am one row short on one side versus the other.  Luckily, I can live with the inconsistency.

Amazingly, she finished about an hour quicker than my previous consultant.  She went in a systematic order for retightening.  We discussed my relaxed ends.  We figured out that because they have rolled and doubled onto themselves forming a ball, this behavior prevented the relaxed ends from unravelling.  I showed her pictures of my initial installation because she thought the consultant put the knots on my ends.  No, according to my snapshots, my relaxed ends had no visible knots on the ends.  So we both learned something, some  textured, relaxed ends seem to maintain within the Sisterlocks framework so I may never have to cut the relaxed ends off unless I am trying to achieve a specific haircut or style.

Because of the Christmas Holiday, I elected to get this retightening completed at a four week point.  So I will see at my next six week interval, whether she is an hour faster again.  This consultant sounds like she has the speed of my Master Trainer from my class in Boston.  She said that she can do a full head of Sisterlocks in 8 to 10 hours if the client's hair is under 5 inches.  My Master Trainer did mention while I was in Boston that upon judging from a distance, my head of hair probably should have been completed in about an 8 to 10 hours timeframe.  Since I am tenderheaded and my relaxed ends were added to the framework, I would say add on another five or six hours.  The total hours still do not equal the 20 hours that I spent during my installation with my previous certified consultant, but that chapter of Sisterlocks is over, I am looking forward to the future with my new certified Sisterlocks consultant.  I feel like she is willing to partner with me on my hair.  She also inspired me to work toward my certification.  She gave me some ideas and goals to set.  Overall, I look forward to my next retightening session with her!  I am very pleased with her willingness to work with me, her professional business etiquette, and the comfort of her salon atmosphere.

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