Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wavers: Deep Wave set

I introduced these wavers a couple of years ago on this blog.  I have had some great success stories lately with using them right after a relaxer service.  Hairart is the brand.
"Ryler Stylers" is the waver tool pictured with "double connectors."  I have found it best to place the wavers in the hair so that the clamp closure anchors upward as seen above.

And the two "hook connectors" are designed to build and connect to the next unit in order to accommodate longer hair.  Some waver tools only have one hook to build on.  I am putting emphasis on the connectors because I had a hairstylist tear all the hooks off some of the wavers because she thought it was extra plastic leftover on the wavers.  Of course, those wavers now have limited use.

This Ryler style waver does not bend with the contour of the head.  The waver tools with one hook are more flexible in fitting under the dryer.

In the picture above, you can see how this is two units connected to together.  I have one side pulled slightly apart so that you can envision the two units separately.  These waves come in crimper size as well.  When parting the hair, use about 2 inch slices to make sure enough hair is able to support the weight of the wavers. As far as placement into the hair, the picture above shows the waver upside down.  The first picture in this article is the best way to install into the hair.  Also, the drying time is about an hour or less for the average head of hair.

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