Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011: No Rush!

I wished that I knew the hair artist for this hairstyle!!!! This is fantasy hair! The artist put a lot of time and thought in this creation. As a fellow hair artist, I appreciate it. Those who criticize it should try to duplicate it. It is not easy to do. On a more humorous note, this hairstyle is "seasonal" and likely not to be showcased by the conservative soul.

On a separate note, Easter 2011 was a failure as far as hair service revenues. There was no rush. There was no overflow. Why? Could it be that gasoline prices are around $4.00 per gallon? Could it be that income taxes were due? Could it be that people decided to go to the beach for Spring Break to save some money? Could it be that Easter fell too close to Mother's day this year? Could it be that people are not socializing as much because of the gas prices? Could it be that people are embracing their natural texture? Could it be that people just want to keep it simple? Or could it be that Prom is coming up too? I do not know all the reasons, but the hair industry as a whole is not a lucrative business anymore.

High end services such as hair color, hair extensions, keratin treatments, and hair replacement services are going for "cheap!" People are even doing these services at home without the aid of a licensed professional. In some cases, the results achieved at home may be as good as going to the salon.

There is the terminology of "working hard" and "working smart." I think the hair industry used to be where you could work smart. Now, it seems that stylists across the board are working hard to retain current clients, attract new clients, and still maintain a work/life balance.

With more experience, one would hope to make more money. The hair industry just seems to be an exception at this time. There are other industries out there that are suffering from automation and change in spending habits. Examples: Blockbuster Video, Borders Books, photography and pre-press.

Staying on top of innovation is important and staying ahead of the curve. I am dedicated to the hair industry, but just like any "starving artist," I can see how hairstylists may be forced to find ways of working in the hair industry without standing behind the chair.

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