Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Justin Bieber's New Haircut - The Difference

Justin Bieber is a "heart throb!" I loved his "Never Say Never" movie!!! He is like a "Chris Brown" before the "Rihanna" situation. Justin is sooo talented! Yes! Did I say that I got swept off my feet with the Bieber-mania???? Anyway! Justin has a new haircut!!!! I grew to love the old one. He was a trendsetter and leader. This new haircut is cute too . . . . but I hope that he stays "original." "Original" won our hearts . . . speaking as a fan!!!!
Okay, pictured are two different pairs of thinning shears. Justin's hair has strong directional growth patterns. Thinning shears such as the ones pictured help to thin out the areas of direction allowing for styling products to further assist in control of styling direction. Notice that one pair of shears has more teeth than the other. The more teeth then the more the two cutting edges hit; therefore more hair is cut. So less teeth; less thinning is done. In order to make sure that the hair is not too thin where it can become see-through, the thinning shears with less teeth would be the preferred choice to maintain Justin's new haircut. Also, the general rule when using thinning shears is to cut in the middle of the strand or toward the ends. There will be rare to no case where anyone would need to thin at the root. Using thinning shears at the root of the hair would give you the feel of "breakage" on a real head. If you are thinning "commercial" or "weaving" hair -- thin at your heart's content.

As far as Justin's final finish, I believe his fringes were razored a little to create a soft textured framing along the face.

1 comment:

  1. Justin just released a Christmas album. He was on Dancing with the Stars tonight. It looked like he used some styling gel or pomade to make his hair stand up. Same cut as pictured in this article, but the use of styling products allows for different looks.
