Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bodiphier Touchup and Alkalinity discussion

I completed my Bodiphier touchup this week. I have to admit that I had two shampoo services within about three days of the Bodiphier touch-up. I gave my scalp one full day of rest before performing the touch-up.

To my surprise, I did experience a tingling/burning with the touch-up. I remember the water during the rinse prickling my scalp in some areas. So I did burn. However, I did not scab up.

I talked to the founder about my experience. He assured me that there was not sodium hydroxide present, but the alkalinity of the relaxer as a whole could cause burning in sensitive scalp clients.

I have an extremely sensitive scalp. I can not take a regular lye relaxer past five minutes. So I was a good test person for the Bodiphier's ability to burn.

I am still content with the Bodiphier relaxer. I just know that I need to give my scalp the traditional three day wait after shampooing before I touch-up again.

My main reason for all the shampooing was because I was going back and forth between the "wash and wear" styling and the pressing. I wanted it to be pressed and free of any styling products in order to complete the touchup.

I still have some straighter ends from the initial Soft and Beautiful Texturizer. I will eventually cut them off but not yet. Smile.

Overall, the Bodiphier is still the best option for going back and forth from straight to curly.

1 comment:

  1. I no longer recommend the Bodiphier Permanent Relaxer, but I wanted to keep to leave this article in my blog to show how initially everything seems good . . . please see my other articles that I wrote subsequently to this one. This blog is good documentation of how with continued use of a product; your opinion of it can change.
